The Shores of Malice are currently being designed for Shroud of the Avatar, but they don’t look particularly malicious on a whole. Unless you find evergreen trees and lovely coastal vistas malicious, anyhow. Still, there are dungeons, traps, and the usual assortment of threats to any adventurer’s well-being on the shores; it’s just that the primary focus with the most recent community update is on the look of the place, which is less “doom awaits you” and more “gorgeous landscape photography.”
Players who aren’t as in to coastal regions can also check out a preview of the Entrance to Artifice, a secluded and mysterious location hidden in the crags of the Rumor Peaks. The community update also previews some of the new player town templates and the new greenhouses available for use in the game. The greenhouses, to the best of our knowledge, are not in any way meant to be malicious. Depending on what you grow in them, probably.