Overwatch 2 heralds more competitive players in Season 9, promises further PvP-focused improvements

I do crimes.

The current competitive season of Overwatch 2 has apparently been well received according to the latest missive from game director Aaron Keller, who writes about a shift in activity from quick play to competitive and promises several more improvements to keep the PvP good times rolling on.

According to Keller’s data, 45% of player time is now spent in competitive and 32% in quick play, where before Season 9 it was 35% in competitive and around 40% in quick play. Keller also points out that this doesn’t mean quick play is seeing fewer hours of activity but that competitive play is seeing even more action than before.

In order to keep competitive play active, there are changes already planned, including a removal of grouping restrictions in Season 10, with the shooter’s matchmaking prioritizing putting groups of players with wide or narrow gulfs of skill against similar groups. Other updates planned include more features to the competitive progress screen, adding role-specific titles, and some top 500 improvements.

Keller also talks about changes to the way quick play modes will work, with a bit more focus on bringing “moderate” tweaks to the overall game while the “hacked” version of quick play will still be used to try new things out. Keller reasons that doing it this way is important since most players don’t interact with the experimental mode and so the devs aren’t getting the data they need for mode adjustments, while also giving players an option to enjoy a quick play mode that isn’t too disruptive.

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