It is not exactly a controversial statement to say that Nintendo loves suing people, with everyone from fans who made art Nintendo didn’t like to the developers of Palworld getting a day in court with the company. But while much of that definitely makes Nintendo the antagonist in these stories, things get a little murkier with Jesse “Every Game Guru” Keighin being sued by the company. For one thing, he was literally streaming leaked games that had not yet been released; for another, according to the lawsuit, he sent a letter to Nintendo in October taunting them that he had so many burner accounts that the company couldn’t stop him.
So maybe the lesson here is “don’t taunt Nintendo” or “don’t commit arguable crimes while doing so” or something like that? It’s complicated.
Nintendo is seeking $152,500 in damages in addition to further damages to be sought at trial, as well as seizure of electronic devices within Keighin’s possession. This also goes hand-in-hand with the company suing and attempting to shut down various emulation projects, but… well, again. You should not taunt the company whose leaked games you are streaming? No one looks great here.