To mark World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary, Blizzard is granting interviews all over the place (although I do wish they’d stay out of my house). Talking to Games Radar, Ion Hazzikostas said that there was no immediate need for a World of Warcraft 2, as the MMO has already been rebuilt a few times over.
“Theoretically, at some long, distant point down the line, that may be a question we grapple with seriously,” Hazzikostas said of a prospective WoW 2, going on to note that WoW is “a little bit of a ship of Theseus of video games [where] every piece of it at this point has been recreated and rebuilt over time.”
Hazzikostas also admitted that the WoW team may be overloading players with too many special events: “Even if they really enjoyed the 20th Anniversary content, there was this sense of ‘I already have been spending a bunch of time doing dungeons and delves and leveling these other alts. This feels like too much to ask on top of that,'” he said. “That’s the part we hadn’t grasped until we heard the feedback loud and clear when live.”