If you’re still hungering for savory facts about Breakaway, Amazon Game Studios’ soon-to-be-revealed game that’s scooped up so many MMORPG developers in Seattle, welp, that dinner bell won’t be rung until Thursday. But in the meantime, you can feast on some of the appetizers being served on the game’s Twitter account.
The first in the series appeared to show the silhouette of a stock barbarian with the phrase “Tell Valhalla that I shall arrive soon,” leading players to suspect a Norse-themed title. But since then, the account has teased what appears to be a druid, a warrior, a Bothan spy with a rifle, The Gunslinger, my Diablo III Witch Doctor, Braveheart, and an orc engineer with really great hair, each with associated catch phrases.
The range of archetypes has led players to speculate the game will be more of a MOBA or shooter than a setting-specific online RPG, as have the weird assortment of media gifts and what looks like 3v3 gameplay on Twitch — but we’ll be seeing on Thursday, now won’t we?