Bree Royce

Bree Royce


Bree is an unrepentant escapist with a predilection for MMOs. When not compulsively proofreading cereal boxes and newspapers, she can be found modding, PvPing on the auction hall, and touring the Next Big Thing with her guild on a quest for the elusive perfect game.

Working As Intended and Ask Mo are her pet op-ed columns, but she also pens Daily Grinds and compiles Massively Overthinking, the Week in Review, and Make My MMO. You can hear her ramble about MMOs every week on the Massively OP podcast. If you're nice, she'll even talk about something other than Star Wars Galaxies.

Personal blog: Skycandy
Twitter: @nbrianna
Favorite MMOs: Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Ultima Online

Indie MMO Starborne accidentally exposes alpha tester contact info in email blast

If you participated in the alpha for indie MMORTS Starborne, you might wanna check your email: Multiple alpha participants are now reporting that they...

MMO Business Roundup: Funcom’s corporate move, Japan’s ratings board, and Dean Hall’s next big thing

We're back with another roundup of MMO industry and business stories related to our corner of the online gaming world. Funcom: Funcom is moving to...

For Science: Steam just told on itself with its new games performance analysis

Steam has long been regarded as a pit of doom, loaded with asset flips and scams, where where indies go to die and MMO...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor has been delayed, but only by about a week

Elder Scrolls Online's Skyrim-centric Greymoor chapter isn't going to make its original release window, unfortunately. ZeniMax's Matt Firor delivered the news to fans this...

Trove’s Bunfest offers new spring event content for Gamigo’s voxelbox

My five-year-old literally woke me up this morning chattering excitedly about "Bunfest" in Trove. Not bunnies - buns. She was insistent that this was...

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box reopens next week, plus somebody bought the golden sink

Finally! ArenaNet had previously announced that Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, inarguably the best April Fools' event in all of MMO land, was...

Disgruntled Chronicles of Elyria backers seek aid from the Washington attorney general

Ever since Kickstarted MMORPG Chronicles of Elyria went belly-up, players have been trying to figure out what to do about it. Some had sunk...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the messiest combat?

I don't like messes. They freak me out. The chaos, the uncertainty, it gets to me. And it's as true in real life as...

World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands closed alpha is finally beginning this week

Earlier today, we noted fresh changes in World of Warcraft's launcher that indicated Shadowlands' testing was imminent, and this afternoon, Blizzard has confirmed it. "Later...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best character hair in the genre?

This might sound silly but I care a lot more about any given MMO character's hair than face. Realistically, I'm never gonna see the...

MMO Week in Review: AIR’s Elyon rebrand, Elyria’s ‘road to nowhere’

There's no slowing down for the MMO industry right now, which feels pretty bizarre under the circumstances, but here we are. This week, we...

Skyforge will disable its unpopular battle royale mode for a full revamp

As MMO players will recall, 2018 was the year when it seemed as if every other MMORPG was adding a battle royale side-game. Skyforge's...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Massively Overthinking: How are MMO players faring through the pandemic?

This week's Overthinking is going to be a bit different from normal. As we've been covering extensively for more than the past two months,...
Big trucking.

Elite Dangerous fully reveals Fleet Carriers, launching in June

Elite Dangerous is finally getting closer to the fleet carriers content that was originally meant to launch last year, with the reveal of the...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with jealousy and FOMO in your MMORPGs?

Earlier this week, Polygon ran a piece on Animal Crossing: New Horizons players who were not happy. It's not because of the game, or...

Legends of Aria’s $19.99 Dark Sorcery DLC has officially launched

It didn't quite make its original March deadline, but it came damn close: Early access MMORPG Legends of Aria has officially launched new DLC...

Fallout 76 PC players can scoop up a game copy on Steam – for free

So here's a nice surprise: We knew Fallout 76 was coming to Steam, but we didn't know that existing players could claim a free...
The shooter shoots.

Elyon aka Ascent Infinite Realm ‘pivot’ is confirmed by western publisher Kakao

Yesterday, we covered the news from the Korean beta that Ascent: Infinite Realm was being rebranded with a new name, along with a video...

ArcheAge, RIFT, Trove, and more Gamigo MMOs launch a reforestation charity initiative

Gamigo is announcing a big charity project today with Eden Reforestation Projects, which will raise money to plant trees all over the world while...

Albion Online wants to boost players’ ‘incentives for backstabbing and going to war’

Over the last few months, Albion Online's Sandbox Interactive has continued its push to rebalance the endgame meta - specifically, the power and potency...