Bree Royce

Bree Royce


Bree is an unrepentant escapist with a predilection for MMOs. When not compulsively proofreading cereal boxes and newspapers, she can be found modding, PvPing on the auction hall, and touring the Next Big Thing with her guild on a quest for the elusive perfect game.

Working As Intended and Ask Mo are her pet op-ed columns, but she also pens Daily Grinds and compiles Massively Overthinking, the Week in Review, and Make My MMO. You can hear her ramble about MMOs every week on the Massively OP podcast. If you're nice, she'll even talk about something other than Star Wars Galaxies.

Personal blog: Skycandy
Twitter: @nbrianna
Favorite MMOs: Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Ultima Online

Villagers & Heroes is coming to iOS ‘soon’

2011 MMORPG Villagers and Heroes has had a strong last 12 months. It launched on Android, rolled out a massive revamped called Starfall, tussled...

Warspear Online, Broke Protocol, and Valnir Rok all set up camp on Steam

Remember Warspear Online? It's a 2-D fantasy MMO out of Russia from 2008, when it debuted on mobile devices. (This should make you feel super...

Grab a Wild Buster weekend beta key from InselGames and Massively OP

If you've had an eye on Wild Buster and wondered how the "gritty sci-fi hack'n'slash MMOARPG" is faring in the lead up to its...
The elf is superfluous in this scenario.

Blizzard’s Jeff Kaplan on WoW Classic and the Overwatch toxicity ‘strike team’

Blizzard's Jeff Kaplan gave an interview on Reddit this week that provides an interesting perspective from an original World of Warcraft developer who defected to...

Revelation Online’s ShadowBlade expansion introduces a new class and major class perks

1 announced this morning that it's plotting a new expansion for Revelation Online. It's called ShadowBlade, yes with CamelCase! The studio is promising a...

Kakao will launch Bluehole’s Ascent: Infinite Realm MMORPG in the west

Good morning! Who wants some genuinely good news for the MMORPG genre? Great. Black Desert publisher Kakao is bringing Ascent: Infinite Realm westward. That'd...

Grim Dawn’s next big patch paves the way for Xbox compatibility

What's doing on in OARPG Grim Dawn since the release of its apparently well-received Ashes of Malmouth expansion last month? Quite a lot, actually....

TERA’s Miniguns update drops November 30, is appropriately ridiculous and awesome

So the other day I was setting up Massively OP's award schedule for December, and I came upon our traditional award for wacky stuff...

Working As Intended: Guild Wars 2’s new mount licenses are still lockboxes, but they’re not the worst lockboxes

Pretty much everyone assumed that back when Guild Wars 2 planned out mounts, it did so with its cash shop in mind. The game...

ArcheAge’s Maesltrom update adds PvP content and open-world raid tool December 6

ArcheAge fans! Trion has a doozy of a patch coming your way next month. Releasing December 6th, the 4.0 update is called Maelstrom and...

Project W, Project Z, and God Slayer Online all teased ahead of G-Star 2017

NCsoft tipped its hand on its upcoming Project TL/Lineage Eternal do-over, Blade & Soul 2, and Aion Tempest, but it's far from the only...
Pity that it doesn't know what makeup looks like.

Black Desert kicks off world boss Saturdays, runs through all the seasons in a week

World bosses seem to be the thing to add to MMOs the last few years to encourage server cooperation, and Black Desert is now...

Blade & Soul’s Dawn of the Lost Continent drops Dec 6 as the game’s biggest update ever

NCsoft just keeps the Blade & Soul content train coming as the game slides into its second birthday early next year. Next up on...

Closers Online’s closed beta has officially begun

Closers' closed beta servers are open! But only open to those in the closed beta. So not really open. Just live. I'm making the...

Destiny 2 once again denies misidentifying cheaters in latest ban wave

When Destiny 2 launched on PC just two weeks ago, the cheater ban waves began. Players revolted, arguing that they hadn't been cheating and...
Artwork by gqears2gnomes/knight-mj

Guild Wars 2 balances classes and adds spectacular new mounts – for a price

Guild Wars 2 patched in new mounts today, and they're gorgeous. But don't get too excited; they're in gated behind a weird new RNG...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC launches for Xbox One and Xbox One X – here’s the new trailer

Elder Scrolls Online's Clockwork City DLC is live for Xbox One and Xbox One X players today! As we've previously covered, today's rollout features a...

ARK: Survival Evolved posts live action trailer in honor of Xbox One X launch

Xbox One X is landing on porches this very moment, you guys, and ARK: Survival Evolved might just be the first thing you load...
In costume!

Kritika Online is sunsetting in Southeast Asia

We've updated below with En Masse's statement confirming that this sunset will have no impact on Kritika in the west. Kritika Online will sunset in...

NCsoft has rebooted Lineage Eternal as Project TL in Unreal 4

Remember Lineage Eternal? It seems as if we've been watching the gorgeous MMOARPG sequel to the Lineage franchise for half of forever, as NCsoft...