Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

What we do

Get the rundown on what we know of Camelot Unchained’s classes

Quickly, how much do you know about Camelot Unchained's classes? Do you know all of them? Do you know how they work? Would you...

Riding Out gallops out of the MMO starting gate next week

If you're looking for an answer to the obvious question, no, we can never have too many equestrian MMORPGs in the world. There are...

Make My MMO: Chronicles of Elyria raises a million bucks (May 21, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, there's a new player in the crowdfunding business: Fig, a "community-powered publisher" whose "goal is to strike a balance...
Well, it's a nice lake, at least.

Camelot Unchained shows off weapon concepts and the growing world

One of the big elements of Camelot Unchained's design philosophy is the difference between its three factions. It wouldn't make a lot of sense...
Ah yes.

Betawatch: AdventureQuest 3D shows off its cross-platform performance (May 20, 2016)

You would think that cross-platform play for games would generally be a thing by now, but the fact that I can only get a...

Das Tal adds 29 skills to give players more ‘interesting choices’

Fairytale Distillery's Alexander Zacherl says the team working on Das Tal has just finished up a two-week sprint working on a new world editor...

Star Citizen’s Around on Verse on 2.4, animations, events, and shopping

Star Citizen's Around the Verse this week sees the return of Ben Lesnick just in time for the 2.4 patch to land on the...
That's a lot of people.

Beta testers actually used Overwatch’s commendation system for good

Still feeling bereft of Overwatch in this period between the beta and the launch? Can't help you there, but Blizzard has expounded on its...

Enter to win a Riders of Icarus founder’s pack from Nexon and Massively OP

In celebration of Riders of Icarus' closed beta and brand-new trailer, Nexon has granted Massively OP three legendary founder pack keys for Steam for our readers. The...

AdventureQuest 3D is the cross-platform MMORPG that might hook you

If you're anything like me, you've hopefully realized that there can be just as much anticipation in your life over small, interesting games as with...
Ramp everything.

The Daily Grind: Is MMO ‘open’ development really good for the genre?

Massively OP's Andrew Ross and I were recently discussing how to approach an opinion piece on Chronicles of Elyria when he reminded me that...

Fragmented’s next patch introduces Engagements and server registering

How do you feel about fighting wave after wave of enemies until either they're all dead or you are? If your feelings on this...
fun fun fun

Albion Online on hardcore-vs.-casual player sandbox synergy

Just a day after launching its massive Darian patch, Albion Online has posted up a Q&A video and roadmap summary for its summer goals....

H1Z1 preps Ignition mode for tomorrow, shows off its new map

Heady times are upon H1Z1, especially if you're playing the PvP version (that's King of the Kill, in case you've lost track). The good...

Nexon announces Heroes of Incredible Tales, a hack-and-slasher for mobile devices

MMOs are making strong inroads to mobile gaming in 2016, and Nexon is eager to get a share of that action. The publisher announced...

Paragon to host free beta weekend on May 26

Whenever the cry of "free beta!" goes out across the valley, you can be assured that you will get two types of people flocking...

Vigor Roads takes the wheel of the apocalypse

When will the apocalypse get here already so that all of the really cool stuff can start happening? Mutants, rampant looting, cannibal games, and...

World of Warcraft will have no gold costs on rearranging talents but will limit it to certain areas

There is no actual gold cost for swapping around your specs or talents in the next World of Warcraft expansion. That's gone. You want...

It’ll take you a half a year to walk across Chronicles of Elyria’s continent

When Chronicles of Elyria comes out, players will find that they have a lot of terrain to explore. How much? The developers said that...

Vote for your favorite Conan Exiles hair styles

Hair matters. If you know nothing else, know that hair matters. Players judge you severely based on what style you pick from the character...