
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Choose My Adventure: Wakfu may not be my cup of tea

You know how sometimes you really can't know for sure how you'll feel about a game until you fire it up? Those games where...

Not So Massively: Wolcen’s roadmap is missing some important things

In the past, I've been pretty free with my praise for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem. I've gotten nearly a hundred hours of good fun...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s outage analysis, simplified

For my day job, I’m a software developer, and all of my previous jobs have been IT related in some fashion. I still remember...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon GO Fest 2021 might be the last great GO Fest

Still cleaning out your pokemon collections, trainers? I know I still need to! Pokemon Go’s recent Go Fest 2021 was a return to form...
Somewhere, across the sea, somewhere.

Wisdom of Nym: What will Final Fantasy XIV add to its ranged damage dealers?

There's a usual pattern I follow when discussing Final Fantasy XIV jobs, and this time I wanted to break it. We've already talked about...

Hands-on with New World’s 20v20 PvPvE battleground and its newest dungeon

Last week Amazon Games held a press demo and offered up an early preview of some of the latest and greatest content coming to...

One Shots: A back warmer for cramps

When you're rocking some bad back pain or a spite of cramps, it certainly helps to have something warm to rest against. Loosens up...
Eye see.

The Daily Grind: What routine tasks do you frequently forget in MMOs?

If you never played it back in the day, Final Fantasy XI was often a game of chores. Did you remember to get food?...

LOTRO Legendarium: What returning to LOTRO feels like

I don't think that I have ever rage-quit Lord of the Rings Online, but I certainly have put it down often enough. That's pretty...
Ever the same.

Betawatch: Elyon is planning its next closed beta with an early fall launch

It seems as if it's taken forever for Elyon to really make much movement over here in the west, but don't worry: It's happening....
Look at me accomplishing very little.

PAX East 2021: Gaming streamers are frontline workers, not mental health experts

Since PAX East 2021 is virtual again due to that little virus that's been going around for over a year now, it should come...

Massively on the Go: How Jackbox Games helped gamers stay social through COVID

For some people, Jackbox Games' Party Packs were a COVID lifesaver. While many of us have a lot of virtual connections thanks to our...
Mean elf.

Vague Patch Notes: Hating an MMO isn’t the same as having a personality

There was a friend I had at one point who had a particularly annoying habit. Whenever I would bring up something obnoxious that was...
Skull go BLORF

The Daily Grind: What’s your least favorite content in an MMO that you still take part in?

I have a lifelong policy of not being spicy to people who are bad in World of Warcraft PvP because I can hardly blame...
Eat it, eat it, put it in your mouth and eat it.

Massively Overthinking: The curious cycle of MMO refunds, tutorials, and reviews

MOP reader Steve recently posed us an intriguing question about the state of tutorials in MMOs and other games - and how those tutorials'...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: MMOs with the noisiest fanbases

In my particular neck of the woods, there are a lot of big fans of the Boston Red Sox. There's also something of a...

WoW Factor: The Blizzard ‘leak’ is probably fake, but it’s still valuable

So right now it doesn't need to be said that stuff with World of Warcraft is kind of a mess. Shadowlands might have been...

Perfect Ten: The 10 most huggable boss monsters in multiplayer online hunting RPGs

Have you ever fought a boss monster that didn't feel like it deserved your fatal blows? Sure, it's just a video game, and the...

Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s Burning Crusade entry ditch

With this year's Burning Crusade Classic, the dynamics of leveling in WoW Classic shifted just as they did originally. Before Burning Crusade came along...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: Looking at lost actions as a key to more job customization in Final Fantasy XIV

Let's talk a little bit about the Save the Queen content in Final Fantasy XIV, but perhaps not in the way you might be...