
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Why Would You Do That Dot Jpeg

Wisdom of Nym: Analyzing the last live letter before Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.5

The last letter from Naoki Yoshida didn't really drop much in the way of bombshells on the Final Fantasy XIV community, especially as there had...

Jukebox Heroes: More MMO Christmas tunes

Merry Christmas everyone! As you hunker down for family time, presents, eggnog, or simply a quiet day off and some gaming time, chances are...
Like this deli. Not only this deli.

The Daily Grind: What trivial MMO grievances will you air for Festivus?

Friends, it is December 23rd, and that means that it is the traditional date of Festivus! My wife and I celebrate Festivus every year,...
This was once controversial!

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v2.0

While The Game Archaeologist columns take up the most time of any project I do here at Massively OP, I absolutely love doing them...
Yes please.

Betawatch: Crowfall’s test campaigns have arrived, City of Titans delays Issue 0

Good news, Crowfall fans, the first full campaign patch is here! Of course, this is just a test campaign; the first sanctioned campaign (which is...
Everybody dies.

WoW Factor: The great Superdata fall-off

The one down side to working ahead is that sometimes your schedule gets nudged around more than expected. I promise that a further look...

EverQuesting: Why I’m hesitant to jump on Daybreak’s lifetime membership deal bandwagon

Well there's something I wasn't expecting, and I admit it: I am not really sure what to think about it. Daybreak just jumped on...

Vague Patch Notes: Understanding systems before you talk about them

Here's a fun question to consider. What were Emblems of Valor and Emblems of Heroism designed to do in World of Warcraft? Yes, they were...
Blood flight.

The Daily Grind: How consistent are your MMO character names?

I seem to be something of an abnormality among MMO roleplayers, because most of the time I play the same character across multiple games....
bye, felicia

Choose My Adventure: Summarizing our MMO adventures in 2018

Sometimes I wonder how people think things work behind the scenes here at Massively Overpowered, so let me give a little peek behind the...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the best value going into 2019

Here we go, here we go, here we go again. This one is always an interesting column to write because there's a certain amount...

Massively OP’s 2018 MMO Video Game Music Awards

We have been talking a lot about what we've been playing this year and what we're looking forward to in 2019 and beyond, but...

Choose My Adventure: I am not good at drug running in Star Citizen

There's a rather popular quote in military circles that goes "no plan survives contact with the enemy." This quote springs to my mind as...
It's actually fine.

Wisdom of Nym: No, Final Fantasy XIV reliability isn’t a bad thing

There's a common criticism of Final Fantasy XIV that I frequently see and agree with. The argument goes that basically, five years out from the...
How do I start to say goodbye.

Global Chat: A WildStar goodbye

How do you say farewell to an MMO that meant a lot to you? With tears, sorrow, screenshots, and words. Lots and lots of...

Chaos Theory: Secret World Legends has a Krampusnacht content gift – here’s your guide

Whoot! Secret World Legends delivered a nice surprise gift for Krampusnacht 2018: new content! As in, new new, not returning-from-TSW new. Not just "stuff"...

One Shots: Adventures beyond worlds

"Hey," said Rafael. "Who said there isn’t any exploring on Blade and Soul, huh? Look at this secret place in Solak. Just found it...
They exist.

The Daily Grind: What animals would you like to see more of in MMOs?

This probably will not surprise anyone reading this, but I really like animals. But I still get a bit depressed at the fact that...

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s 2018 review

It was the best of years, it was the worst of years for Lord of the Rings Online -- but no matter what, it...

Betawatch: Atlas delays alpha a week, Division 2 hits tech alpha

Studio Wildcard, you... er... wild cards. Yeah, that seems right. You announced the big surprise splash of Atlas, and then you delay the launch from...