
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

oh noes a bitey scratchus

Two weeks after Activision Blizzard’s layoffs, its stock price is barely higher than before the layoffs

You all remember when Activision Blizzard laid off 800 employees on a year that was, on balance, a very good year for the company?...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is soooo close to being perfect but just misses the mark?

Last week, there was a thread on the MMORPG subreddit that struck a chord with me. Author SaintNutella rattles off a list of some of...

SWTOR gives a skimpy roadmap while Star Wars Galaxies is remembered… in song form

It's a two-for-one Star Wars special in this post today! A short post on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums shed a very...

One Shots: Don’t look behind you!

Oh man, you did it. You clicked on this column and brought a curse onto your head. Right now, something terrifying has materialized out...
Pay me to play me!

The Daily Grind: Do you get worried when MMO fan sites shut down?

Fan sites come and go. They always have and always will. The game that you thought you would care about forever when you were...
How near, how far.

After a month of quiet work, Valiance Online updates fans on internal progress

A while back, Valiance Online made a thread on its official forum to keep fans up to date on the internal progress for the game;...
It goes clicky.

WRUP: This post was not written by a neural network edition

Well, folks, I'm sorry. I strongly hinted in the last intro that the next installment of What Are You Playing would be written by...

The Daily Grind: Does law and order add to MMORPG worlds?

As of late I've been going through the Thieves Guild DLC in Elder Scrolls Online. The result of this has taught me that (a)...
Hooray, or something?

Betawatch: Anthem has begun to sing

It'd be nice to say that nothing in beta can stay there, but that would be a lie. There are lots of games that stay...
Not red, nor falling.

ZeniMax Media is hit with a trademark dispute over a filing for ‘Redfall’

What is "Redfall?" We don't know just yet, beyond the fact that it's a trademark filed by ZeniMax Media (the parent company of Bethesda...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Jukebox Heroes: The 10 greatest MMO soundtracks of all time (as voted by you)

A few weeks ago we witnessed the showdown of the ages (or at least the epoch known as "late January 2019"), as Massively OP...
Looking closer.

WoW Factor: Why people are mad at Battle for Azeroth, part one: Combat

One of the complicated challenges of writing about World of Warcraft is sorting out the stuff that's happening now from the stuff that's been happening...

Fortnite touts $100M prize pool for World Cup and 2019 esports, new 7.6M player concurrency record

Howsabout a slice of $100,000,000? That's the total prize pool for Fortnite's 2019 esports lineup, with a significant portion of that going to the World...

Massively Overthinking: Contending with the MMO genre’s ‘wowfugee’ crisis

Last week on the MOP Podcast, we read a letter from a listener named Megan who pointed us to a blog post on the The...
If you come to San Francisco...

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for Little Ladies’ Day while Naoki Yoshida talks about the design of Blue Mage

The latest edition of Final Fantasy XIV's annual Little Ladies' Day event will get you properly equipped for a trip to San Francisco, as you'll...
Oh, yeah, this is fine. It's fine. It's fine! This is fine.

Tencent introduces strict rules for streamers playing its games

Good news for Chinese streamers, as gaming giant Tencent has introduced a new set of rules about what streamers can and cannot do while...
Time is on my side, after a fashion.

The Elder Scrolls Online previews the upcoming Eld Angvar battleground

Eld Angvar is a locale in the Ayleid world between worlds, a space where boundaries of space break down and you can easily teleport...
I'm on a mount!

Dark and Light drops its price as it promises it’s moving toward a full release

Gosh, we really hope you didn't buy Dark and Light last week because the title's price has just been dropped to $17.99. The announcement of...
A very short marathon.

Vague Patch Notes: Online games are a marathon, but they still need to start running

One of those phrases we like to use a fair amount here is the fact that running an MMO is a marathon, not a...
Yarr, cut out all carbs, got much lighter.

Atlas takes aim at offline raiding and land ownership while delaying its next major patch

The bad news for Atlas fans is that the game's next major patch will be delayed until mid-March or late March. The good news is...