
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Creative Assembly’s Grace Carroll speaks on fighting toxicity with active moderation

Anyone who's been on the internet for more than a few minutes knows how quickly forums and comment threads can quickly descend into toxicity...
Good! That's good.

Worlds Adrift updates players on progress in the midst of a heat wave

So it turns out the developers behind Worlds Adrift have all melted in the midst of a London heat wave. It's very sad, as...

Fractured is hosting a livestream on crafting and building today

Want to know more about crafting and building in Fractured as the game has passed its 75% funding mark? Good news, you'll have a...

Ubisoft is not here for Rainbow Six Siege players’ toxic behavior

Remember last spring when Ubisoft said it was getting serious about cracking down on toxicity in Rainbow Six Siege? The company said it was...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s beast tribes ranked, the top ranks

The fun thing about ranking the beast tribes of Final Fantasy XIV is that before I started in on this, I actually had no...

Nintendo bans Splatoon 2 greyhat who begged it to address the hackers and exploits destroying the game

I'm not gonna lie, watching my kid and his cousin play Splatoon 2 on said cousin's shiny new Switch made me reaaaalllly want to...

Defiance 2050 performs better than its predecessor but hasn’t won the community over

With last week's launch of the revamped and rebooted Defiance 2050, Trion Worlds was betting on players flocking back to the sci-fi MMO shooter...

Star Citizen backer took CIG to small claims court over his refund request – and lost

The Star Citizen refunds subreddit is often the home of big words and tall tales, but Redditor firefly212 did more than just talk: He...
But we should really not let these guys off the hook for talking big.

Ashes of Creation’s subreddit has been taken over by Intrepid Studios

Concern and alarm has been raised among the Ashes of Creation community this past week as four members of Intrepid Studios, including CEO Steven...

Final Fantasy XIV plans its next major patch for September with a crossover in August

Ready to hunt monsters in Final Fantasy XIV? Not just in general, but as part of a crossover with Monster Hunter World? You'll get...

The Daily Grind: Which online game has suffered the most from its own hype?

I've still got hype on the brain. We've talked about the length of hype cycles and under-hyped MMOs. Now I want to talk about...

Skyforge revamps PvP with the Gods at War update

The newest update for Skyforge is now live and changes a lot about the way PvP works. Before, PvP had gear scaling to the...

Leaderboard: How much input do you expect to have into a developing game you’ve paid for?

Last week, a developer from Parisian developer Dreamz Studio posted about how early access was the best thing that happened to his game, specifically...
This sounds normal, sure.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been a creative fan for an MMO?

It will never cease to amaze me how artists for MMOs can come up with costumes that require no actual adherence to physical laws...

Global Chat: Looking back at World of Warcraft’s Legion

Now that the next World of Warcraft expansion is almost upon us, it's time to say farewell to Legion and all that that entails....

Pokemon Go 2 Day Community Event for Eevee, tons of content this weekend and on the horizon

It looks as if the upcoming Pokemon Let's Go games are affecting Pokemon Go once again. I doubt it's a coincidence that the next Community Day Pokemon is...
Here is a perfectly fine picture of a bunny.

WRUP: Offending the God of Rabbits has worked out pretty much fine edition

So as you know, last week we managed to direly offend the God of Rabbits, which is remarkable partly insofar as I had expected...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO system or feature is needlessly complex?

Probably one of my greatest and ongoing criticisms of the MMORPG genre is how developers populate these games with systems that are often cumbersome,...
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen kicks off character creation (July 13, 2018)

It's important in an MMO to feel like you own the bundle of stats and spells that you lovingly refer to as a character....
If you ever wonder what kind of game this is, this answers that.

Twin Saga patches in a new class, new zones, and new chibi companions

At a glance, Twin Saga does not seem like a game that would be replete with firearms. It does not look like a setting...