
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Ride along with me.

Perfect World updates its Arc client with new features

You may or may not use the Perfect World Entertainment Arc launcher to play games like Neverwinter and Champions Online. There are lots of...

The Daily Grind: Has flying hurt or helped MMORPGs?

Not every MMO has flying, and those that do tend to add it post-launch as a major selling point for an expansion or patch....
Mommy and Daddy and Mommy and Daddy are fighting again.

Albion Online brings faction warfare with the Merlyn update on July 31

Everyone does not get along in Albion Online. It's not a game about everyone holding hands and being great friends. But when the Merlyn...

New Ultima Online book gathers developer and player interviews to document oral history

Old-school MMORPG players, heads-up for you: If you're a fan of Ultima Online or wanted to hear more about the seminal MMORPG after reading...
Another thing to blame on Cliffy!

LawBreakers helped kill The Amazing Eternals during testing

The death of The Amazing Eternals partway through its testing was a shock for numerous fans, all of whom were looking forward to the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s PR nightmare

Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll have noticed that two Guild Wars 2 developers were cut loose last week after a heated Twitter...

IGDA calls for transparent guidelines on game studio social media and harassment following Guild Wars 2 dust-up

Regardless of who you believe had the right and wrong of the ArenaNet Twitter fiasco last week, game developers have expressed concern over the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the most complex character development?

Over the weekend, I was reading a makeup subreddit (don't judge me - I swear there is a gaming point to this) and the...
Smash fighting

Skyforge details the coming changes to PvP with new stats

There's been a bit of a problem with the balance of PvP in Skyforge. The developers want players to be rewarded for accomplishments in...
My spleen!

Worlds Adrift works on getting new audio for characters getting injured (and burping)

The little things make a big difference sometimes. You don't necessarily need your character to mutter "ow" in reaction to falling a few hundred...
Nice nice, baby.

EVE Online kicks off a new recruitment program on July 11

More pilots are needed in EVE Online. The game has another patch arriving tomorrow, but it's going to wait another day to introduce a...

Wisdom of Nym: Taking a spin in Final Fantasy XIV’s Heaven-on-High

Heaven-on-High is not quite the same as the Palace of the Dead. That is not surprising; they're different places with different lore and slightly...

Otherland author Tad Williams gets inspired from MMO to write a new story

Since its botched launch and subsequent attempt to rebuild and revise itself, Otherland has struggled to establish legitimacy and gain interest among players. It...

EVE Evolved: Improving EVE Online’s organisational tools

Throughout most of EVE Online's lifetime, players have developed their own third-party applications (and yes, spreadsheets) to help organise and enhance their gameplay. We've...

One Shots: My name is Captain Vanity

As I'm off on vacation this week, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to cull through the previous One Shots comment...
Oh no son.

The Daily Grind: What’s the worst fit for a seasonal event for an MMO?

Let's be real here, I am a sucker for Halloween. It's my favorite holiday, so you would think I was over the moon about...
Still don't care.

War Thunder introduces a soccer mode through July 9

It's around World Cup season once again, and that means everyone is wondering when the United States will care about soccer to the level...

EVE Online is simplifying missile rendering to improve performance – the July patch drops this Tuesday

Missiles are a big deal in EVE Online. There are a variety of ways in which missiles can be helpful and important as a...
Oh, this is much better.

WRUP: Moving forward, there are going to be some changes around this prison edition

New prison rule #1: No one is to use "shiv" as a verb any more. Last month there was a big debate over whether...
It bugs me.

The Daily Grind: What is the most impractical MMO mount ever devised?

There seems to be a bizarre competition going on between MMORPG developers to one-up each other's games with progressively impractical mounts. I guess when...