
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

EVE Fanfest 2018: Two EVE players were married by the space pope. Yep.

Of all the fascinating things the EVE Online community has embraced over the game's almost 15-year lifetime, perhaps the most bizarre is space pope...

Massively Overthinking: The best of PAX East and GDC in 2018

The past couple of weeks has been wild as we dispatched writers to GDC in San Francisco and PAX East in Boston to gather...

WoW Factor: Updating data in the wake of Battle for Azeroth’s release announcement

Hooray, we have a release date for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth instead of just a release window! And contrary to what many...

Check out these jaw-dropping LOTRO panoramas

One of the true joys for many Lord of the Rings Online fans is being able to explore an intricate and often gorgeous-looking Middle-earth....

Star Citizen runs down ships and kicks off a free-fly weekend

On this week's Star Citizen Around the Verse, I can't decide whether Sandi Gardiner or Eric Kieron Davis has the cooler shirt, but it...
But we should really not let these guys off the hook for talking big.

Ashes of Creation looks back at PAX East while promising a Q4 alpha

If the only thing you want to take away from the latest bit of Ashes of Creation newsletter is information you may not have...
Chronicle of a Death Foretold.

MOBAs provide a template for the future of the battle royale genre

So where will battle royale games be in another five years? We don't know just yet, but from a purely business standpoint we can...
Still not really a thing for most of the world, though.

Heroes of the Storm updates players on balance and competitive rankings

If you feel as if the Heroes of the Storm team has been worse than it should be about communicating with the playerbase and...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a ‘guilty pleasure’ MMO?

As comments and tweets and nastygrams in my inbox have repeatedly demonstrated over the years, it doesn't matter whether you've put in years of...
Our house in the middle of our street.

Crowfall details the mechanics of building within its eternal kingdoms

If you're going to share a plot of land with other people in Crowfall, you need to understand what that sharing will entail. If...

TERA’s Godsfall update hits PC on April 17, En Masse runs down console bugs

PC players, heads up: TERA is launching Godsfall next week on April 17th. En Masse is calling it "one of the most significant updates...

Watch EVE Fanfest 2018 live from home right now

EVE Fanfest 2018 has just kicked off here in sunny Reykjavik, and MassivelyOP is on the ground once again to bring you the latest...

The sequel to EVE Online’s Empires of EVE book has already funded on Kickstarter

If glossy coffee table books on MMORPGs are your thing, you'll want to pay attention to Andrew Groen's second Kickstarter effort: He's seeking funding...
No biscuit

Choose My Adventure: Getting started in Ultima Online

The interesting thing about this installment of Choose My Adventure is that it's probably the only time I could ever do this particular title....
Domo arigatou.

Blade & Soul patches in a fight against a robot

A new Blade & Soul patch has arrived, and it is indisputably the best patch the game has seen because it allows you to...
Making fine artifacts for you.

The Elder Scrolls Online previews the mechanics of jewelry crafting

One of the biggest additions with the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset is the inclusion of crafting skills for jewelry. That might...

The Daily Grind: How long is too long for early access?

Let's be real here, there's no question in anyone's mind that DayZ has been in early access far longer than it should be. By...
Tiptoe through the something-or-other.

Crowfall streams another set of patch notes from the future

Skill trees are pretty darn important to Crowfall, so it's also pretty darn important when the development team announces that said trees are getting...
There are lots of different defintions of penalty.

Taking your first steps into Ultima Online’s free-to-play conversion

If there's one thing I can't do in Ultima Online, it's start fresh with new eyes. That's something that became abundantly clear to me...
Older schools.

Old School RuneScape prices are going up in June

If your preferred sort of RuneScape is the older variety of schools, we're sorry to inform you that the price is going up. On...