
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Why you should care that Nintendo’s social network Miiverse sunsets in November

We've known for a while that social network Miiverse would eventually be closing, but Nintendo confirmed the news and the official death date yesterday...
Fight that soul.

Blade & Soul’s PAX West e-sports tourney has a $170,000 prize purse

NCsoft's taking another stab at MMORPG e-sports, this time with Blade & Soul, which will serve as the focal point of the company's tourney...
gun stand shoots

Worlds Adrift previews the new mechanics coming to island creation

When September rolls around, island makers in Worlds Adrift will have more options for building a truly unique experience for players. The first island...
Where now?

Guild Wars 2 hopes to enable elite specs during tomorrow’s Path of Fire open stress test

Didn't get your fill of tinkering with Path of Fire during Guild Wars 2's recent preview weekends? You can have another go at it...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories

Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...

The LOTRO team dishes on Mordor and PvMP

Hungry for more information about Lord of the Rings Online and its recent Mordor expansion? YouTuber Stefalla interviewed Standing Stone Games CM Jerry Snook...
Gosh, I love farming.

Destiny 2 lets players visit a nice farm upstate very briefly tonight

The Destiny 2 beta on PC has thus far allowed you to explore things like "shooting" and "further shooting" and "yet more shooting, how...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with MMO know-it-alls?

There is a particular brand of MMO player that has the tendency to get on my nerves, and that is the person who acts...
Subtle. Very subtle.

Paragon introduces the upcoming ranged hero Drongo

Up until now, players who loved Paragon but really needed to play a character who looked like a cut extra from Mad Max: Fury...
Bye, no one will weep.

Mu Legend delays open beta from September to November

Those who are eagerly awaiting the open beta test for MU Legend got hit with some bad news with the announcement that the game's...

Funcom warns against using third-party resellers for Secret World Legends currency

Thinking about buying or selling some of that Secret World Legends currency outside of the game proper? Funcom's got one word for you: don't. The...
Live together.

WildStar explains the operation of communities

Everyone lives with everyone else with the next WildStar update; you form a community and everyone gets to be together. Although perhaps it's not...
It's HOT uptown.

Guild Wars 2 kicks off a week of mounts and a month of weapons

Are you ready to ride around in style when Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire rolls around? Of course you are; Tyria is filled...

Secret World Legends fan recreates Franklin Mansion in The Sims 4

Today we want to give a shout-out to Massively OP reader Katriana for a really neat project that she shared recently! A Secret World...

Raph Koster on roleplaying consent and emotes in Star Wars Galaxies and WoW

MMORPG designer Raph Koster has a fun piece out today, ostensibly about what he's dubbing "consent systems" in multiplayer games that include roleplaying --...
Book 'em

Wisdom of Nym: Four years since Final Fantasy XIV’s relaunch

I find it kind of wild to think that when I wrote my last Final Fantasy XIV anniversary column, we hadn't yet actually heard...

Guild Wars 2 preps PAX West party, sound panel, and video teasers

If you're heading to PAX West in Seattle this weekend, you've got only two opportunities to gather with Guild Wars 2 fans. The first is...
The boys are back.

World of Warcraft shows off the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon on Argus

When players land on Argus in World of Warcraft's next major patch, they will be walking through a place with plenty of history and...
It's clear now.

Relive the final moments of Tabula Rasa

February 28th, 2009, was a dark day for MMO players, as crowds flocked to Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa in the hopes of hitting level...

Guild Chat: Enacting change in an MMORPG guild

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the online spot for all things guild-related where we band together to tackle a submission sent in by a...