
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Skeleton powers.

WRUP: Things I am afraid of edition

Rottweilers left in a yard without proper leads who are trained to jump, growl, and bark. The idea that there is a secret second...

Camelot Unchained’s new website is live

The Camelot Unchained team was back to work to work this week, confirming that City State's brand-new (and much more mobile-friendly) website is up and...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: Why Legion’s alpha/beta label is a hair worth splitting

The Legion alpha is back, and it is still an alpha. And I want to to stress, not for the first time, that I...
Why don't you trust us?

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s story stream talks about resuming romance and future story developments

The next chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire is coming out in early February, and it's reintroducing a major character to players of...

The Daily Grind: Could a time travel MMO work?

A week or so ago, we reported on the release of an eastern title called Dark Era that was largely unremarkable save for the...

Warcraft movie toys hit the shelves

The chill hasn't left the air in many countries, but the excitement is heating up for this summer's Warcraft motion picture release. Director Duncan...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO fantasy creature?

The other day in Final Fantasy XIV I was taken aback when I saw a Lalafell prancing around on a unicorn. You might think...

Global Chat: Oculus Rift, GW2’s philosophy shift, and emulator exploration

The high cost of Oculus Rift brought a lot of discussion to the MMO blogosphere recently, with writers taking sides for and against the...
This is the world we live in, etc.

Path of Exile updates players on Ascendancy release dates and staffing changes

In a development that will no doubt shock and confuse many of our readers, January is almost over. If you're a Path of Exile...

Skyforge is making screenshots way easier with its new screen-pausing ‘photomode’

Do you suffer from screenshot envy? Does it bother you that developers will produce screenshots that offer a perfect little slice of the action...

Tamriel Infinium: Six features Elder Scrolls Online’s level-scaling system needs

I have a terrible confession to make: I was about to write off Elder Scrolls Online. I was going to consider it dead to...
You would think this would just be patched in pre-launch at this point.

Blade & Soul deploys a patch to reduce spam and fix bugs

Blade & Soul went down for maintenance at 6 a.m. EST today and will probably remain down until 10:00 a.m. EST. That's the bad...

The Daily Grind: Should MMORPGs use Kickstarter as a promotional option?

One of Tuesday's big bits of news was that Hero's Song - John Smedley's big post-Daybreak project - was cancelling its Kickstarter. The announcement...

Battle Bards podcast listens to Age of Wushu’s score

This week on the Battle Bards podcast, the crew visits the far east to evaluate the merits of Age of Wushu's soundtrack. With strong Chinese themes...
Go bold.

Star Trek Online details the benefits of the anniversary Krenim Science Vessel

The sixth anniversary of Star Trek Online is nearly upon players, complete with all of the requisite celebration events. That means plenty of little...

John Smedley’s Hero’s Song Kickstarter project is cancelled

John Smedley has just announced that the Hero's Song Kickstarter has been cancelled: He went on to stress that the game's development is ongoing, but...

WildStar offers players a weekend of doubled Prestige

Do you like to PvP in WildStar? Would you especially like having even more rewards than you normally get from said PvP? Because this...
I mean, it worked okay.

Destiny is deploying a new PvP matchmaking setting on Wednesday

Losing a PvP match because you weren't skilled enough or geared enough to beat your opponent is unpleasant on its own. Losing a PvP...
Online, offline, who cares?

Fans overwhelmingly vote for offline pledge rewards in Shroud of the Avatar

If you want to play Shroud of the Avatar online, there's stuff that you can have only by pledging support for the game at...
Let's hunt some people.

How Star Wars: The Old Republic won me over with its endgame

I walked away from last week's Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream pretty happy. Considering that I repeatedly say how much I absolutely loathe...