
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Well, it was nice of you to call.

Valiance Online releases screenshots and a promise of more to come

The team behind Valiance Online has been rather quiet lately, but a long string of silence was broken recently with a quartet of new...

Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: MMO of the Year

Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards conclude today with our award for MMO of the Year. In 2014, we couldn't reach consensus on an MMO of the year. In fact, enough...
The elf is superfluous in this scenario.

Stormwind and Orgrimmar guards are excited for Star Wars in World of Warcraft

Being a writer for this particular outlet means getting to work from home, which means that the dress code rules aren't terrible restrictive. The...
This is the best-case scenario.

EVE Online’s winter events are all about players fighting… with snowballs

You've been playing EVE Online long enough to know that it's rarely good news when another ship arrives nearby and starts heading toward you...
While my definitions were legally accurate...

Darkfall developers considering freemium model

When Darkfall opened up its doors to community discussion, one of the major points mentioned by the developers was that free-to-play was completely off...

Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: Most Anticipated for 2016 and Beyond

Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our award for most anticipated MMO for 2016 and beyond. In 2013 and 2014, EverQuest Next and Landmark took home...
To be fair, some enemies would fear a hatchet.

The Daily Grind: When is an MMORPG rare drop too rare?

The new Anima Weapon quests have me started on that process over in Final Fantasy XIV. It's a slow process toward the high end,...

Global Chat: Being thankful in MMOs

Last month's Thanksgiving holiday in the US prompted several MMO bloggers to share their thanks for gaming and other geeky goodness. Stars of the...

WoW multibox reporter banned for ‘breaking TOS’ [Updated]

Here's an interesting tidbit: Did you know that killing one player in a PvP area in World of Warcraft can get you banned? Not...
THe first rule of fight club is that you shouldn't be in a club to fight people, that's mean.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is having a double experience weekend after Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Let's not mince words: We all know that a new film set in a galaxy far, far away is coming out in the very...

Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: MMO Expansion of the Year

Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our award for best MMO update or expansion of the year. Last year was a bit heavier on MMO updates...
Prettier than this.

Student lands jail time for 2012 RuneScape robbery

Way back in 2012, Fordham University student Humza Bajwa was busted by New York cops for holding a pair of RuneScape players at (what...

The Daily Grind: Is early access creating gated MMO communities?

I'm not generally interested in early access programs these days. For one thing, there are so many fully fleshed-out MMOs on the market that...
Wings of snow.

Guild Wars 2 starts Wintersday today

Today is not a winter's day, nor is it the start of winter days. That's the solstice, which is on December 22nd this year....
I ruined just... all the things.

World of Warcraft’s Legion testing is taking a holiday break, too

We hope you weren't planning on playing any of the World of Warcraft: Legion alpha during your own holiday break (assuming you have one)....
Pet action.

Final Fantasy XI outlines its plans for 2016

For a game that's heading into its maintenance mode, Final Fantasy XI is remaining quite active. Previous announcements had confirmed that the game was...

Guild Wars 2’s soundtrack to release on vinyl LP [Updated]

Back in our holiday gifts guide for the MMO hipster, I made a joke about demanding game soundtracks on vinyl. Little did I know...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online predictions for 2016

Speculation can be dangerous because I tend to be too hopeful for the MMOs that I play. I've been critical of The Elder Scrolls Online in...

Guild Wars 2 e-sports team ragequits over design meta, technical issues

Here's a bit of MMORPG e-sports drama for you: A major Guild Wars 2 e-sports team bailed from competition last night. Competing in the game's ESL Guild...

Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: Biggest MMO Blunder of the Year

Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for biggest MMO blunder of the year. Last year, we called developer hubris and obstinance the biggest blunder...