
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Because that laugh never got tiresome.

BlizzCon 2015: Heroes of the Storm gaining Arena mode, Towers of Doom, and a two-player hero

How would you like to team up with another player to play a hero in Heroes of the Storm? That's the central idea behind...

The Secret World and ARK get behind Extra Life

Gaming communities across the globe are throwing their support behind Extra Life, the 24-hour gaming marathon designed to raise money for Children's Network Miracle...

Leaderboard: Will you play Infinity Battlescape?

Infinity: Battlescape looks to have a little momentum on Kickstarter. I-Novae's seamless space battler is over two thirds of the way to its $300,000...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft: Legion overview panel recap

There's an expansion in the works for World of Warcraft. That's not news. It's the details of that expansion that fans have been anxiously...

BlizzCon 2015 opening ceremony recap, Warcraft movie trailer

BlizzCon 2015 kicks off with its opening ceremony at 2 p.m. EST (11 a.m. PST) today, and Massively OP liveblogged the festivities down in the...
Prepare to be prepared!

Path of Exile announces that it will soon be making announcements about its next expansion

Good news, Path of Exile fans: The next expansion for the game hasn't been announced, but it has been announced that it's going to...
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

New Crowfall site design asks players to consider their legacy

Roads can deteriorate, statues crumble, castles collapse, and books are lost. But legacies persist. A redesign for Crowfall's website plays up the idea that each...
Flight of the Matrimony.

Final Fantasy XIV releases initial patch notes for patch 3.1

You know a major patch is coming for Final Fantasy XIV when the patch notes are out and the patch is still a few...

CCP says EVE’s economy is doing great despite player decline

Do you like EVE Online? Do you like charts and graphs? If you answered yes to both of those questions, the latest CCP dev...
When it comes.

WoW Factor: What WoW Legion needs from BlizzCon

It's go time tomorrow: BlizzCon is almost here, and I'm going to be liveblogging my way through most of the event. And boy, it's coming at...

Grab an Otherland Steam key from Drago and MOP

Sci-fi MMORPG Otherland most recently made blog headlines when it denied accusations that it solicited or purchased what appear to be suspicious reviews on...

EverQuesting: Remembering EverQuest II’s bumpy 11th year

In the 11th year of EverQuest II, what did SOE/Daybreak give to me? An emotional rollercoaster ride! This Sunday marks 11 years of Norrathian...
Off to the wild blue novel FATE grinding.

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for a 24-hour maintenance

The first post-expansion patch for Final Fantasy XIV goes live on November 10th, but you'd better get in all of your gameplay before then....

The Daily Grind: What feature do you wish MMO devs would stop implementing?

There are few things in this life that I'm sure about, but one of them is the fact that I can't freaking stand MMO...
You absolutely need this, apparently.

Trove plans database overhaul to correct for game downtime

At the risk of being presumptuous, we think it's a fair statement that most people who enjoy playing online games prefer being able to...
Yeah, we're boned.

MapleStory preps character server transfer event

So you've been playing MapleStory for a while, but when you convinced your friends to start playing, they all wound up playing on a...
Ultimate pens.

DC Universe Online is launching Episode 18 for its members and Update 54 for everyone today

Don't you love running content in hopes of getting a rare drop that never, ever shows up? If you love that, you will hate...

Choose My Adventure: Into the Heart of Thorns

Hello again friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. November is upon us, and that means two things: It's time for another round...
This didn't work out all right.

The Repopulation patches delayed due to Hero Engine issues

Fans of The Repopulation have grown accustomed to an aggressive testing and update schedule, but the testing schedule has suddenly and unexpectedly slowed. A...
Fail together!

NCsoft Q3 2015: Guild Wars 2, WildStar, all sales dip downward [Updated]

The bad news for the most recent NCsoft financial report is that once again, profits from WildStar were down slightly from the previous quarter...