
Get caught up on convention happenings and major events in your favorite MMO. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Watch Camelot Unchained’s crafting reveal live today at 3 p.m. EST

City State Entertainment is planning a big end-of-the-year Camelot Unchained Twitch stream today at 3 p.m. EST, with crafting on the agenda, along with...

The MOP Up: RuneScape’s big anniversary plans (December 20, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

LOTRO invites all to enjoy the warmth of its Yule Festival

Middle-earth's Winter-home is once again open for merriment and questing, as Lord of the Rings Online has brought back its Yule Festival for another...
This isn't even my final form.

The Daily Grind: What’s the ideal reward for an MMO holiday event?

Every time holiday events roll around in Final Fantasy XIV, I feel compelled to do them on my main character if no one else....

The Stream Team: An anniversary stroll through SWTOR — with snowballs!

SWTOR turns four years old tomorrow, and MassivelyOP's Larry and MJ are celebrating. And what constitutes celebrating more than pelting people with snowballs? These...

Log into Marvel Heroes and get free stuff over Christmas

Marvel Heroes is no stranger to rocking a Christmas event, and this year's is going to last 14 days. Starting today, you can log...

Hell freezes over in Devilian

You heard it here first, folks: Hell has frozen over in Devilian. The MMOARPG has triggered its first seasonal event, Hell Freeze, in which meanie...
The elf is superfluous in this scenario.

Stormwind and Orgrimmar guards are excited for Star Wars in World of Warcraft

Being a writer for this particular outlet means getting to work from home, which means that the dress code rules aren't terrible restrictive. The...

SkySaga’s alpha gets into the spirit of the holidays

I was just remarking the other day how odd it is to me that so many early access and alpha games are taking the...

Cabal 2 goes on a reindeer rampage and adds new raid

Hullo folks! Ms. Horsehead here, encouraging one and all to head over to Cabal 2 to check out a couple of interesting events taking place! There's...
This is the best-case scenario.

EVE Online’s winter events are all about players fighting… with snowballs

You've been playing EVE Online long enough to know that it's rarely good news when another ship arrives nearby and starts heading toward you...

Hi-Rez announces $100K Paladins tourney

Paladins isn't officially launched yet, but Hi-Rez is already planning its competitive scene -- and its first tournament. On the official forums yesterday, Hi-Rez...

Sword Coast Legends invites players to a free weekend

Sword Coast Legends had a bumpy start earlier this fall, with delays and mixed reviews upon release. However, the title has been patching in...
THe first rule of fight club is that you shouldn't be in a club to fight people, that's mean.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is having a double experience weekend after Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Let's not mince words: We all know that a new film set in a galaxy far, far away is coming out in the very...

MechWarrior Online’s 2016 world championship, steam launch, and more

The MechWarrior Online content train is charging full steam ahead, and that's not just because the game is now on Steam! Back when MWO...

The Stream Team: Frolicking through EverQuest II’s Frostfell

It's the most wonderful time of the year -- especially for all those Frostfell lovers out there! EverQuest II's famous winter holiday event is...

SMITE celebrates Saturnalia with free stuff and sales

Ah, Saturnalia: the Roman winter festival drilled into the heads of Latin students everywhere. It's like Christmas, only with waaaay more gambling and booze. Hi-Rez MOBA...
Wings of snow.

Guild Wars 2 starts Wintersday today

Today is not a winter's day, nor is it the start of winter days. That's the solstice, which is on December 22nd this year....
Well, I had fun.

Star Wars: The Old Republic celebrates Life Day

It may be a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but the residents of Star Wars: The Old Republic still know...
Ho, then when I say so, ho again.

Final Fantasy XIV previews this year’s Starlight Celebration

Have you ever noticed that every single holiday celebration in Final Fantasy XIV goes wrong? There's never a year when player characters are not...