
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Blade & Soul impressions from around the MMO blogosphere

It's probably no surprise to anyone that Blade & Soul managed to rope in a lot of excited fans and curious casuals this past...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...

Chaos Theory: Figuring out The Secret World in 2016

Behind you, it's totally dark and the way has closed off. There's simply no going back. Up ahead, everything is in shadows. You creep...

Choose My Adventure: Exploring Shroud of the Avatar’s (not so) open wilds

Hello, friends, and welcome to the penultimate installment of Choose My Adventure: Shroud of the Avatar. Last week, in addition to giving the game's...

Choose My Adventure: In which my Shroud of the Avatar plans are foiled

Hello friends, and welcome to the next installment of the Shroud of the Avatar edition of Choose My Adventure. Last week, as I'm sure...

Choose My Adventure: Trying on the Shroud of the Avatar

Hello friends, and welcome to the new year's first installment of Choose My Adventure. As you may have noticed, I took a bit of...

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test, part two: Crafting, gathering, and economy

On Friday, I took a look at the classes, combat, and tricky mechanics of upcoming sandboxy Korean-import Black Desert's first western closed beta test....
I can see you now.

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test: Classes, combat, and mechanics

Over the course of my first day in Black Desert, I did a lot of the things you'd expect from the first day in...
I repent.

Hands-on: Blade & Soul’s early beta has solid mechanics, but not much else

I've had some time to think about Blade & Soul, and I'm still not sure exactly what I want to say about it. I...

Chaos Theory: Inside The Secret World’s Issue #13 before launch

It never fails. I am too weak to resist a Secret World dev tour! Even knowing that spoilers will abound, I cannot help myself...

Second impressions of Trion’s Devilian: The pros and cons

Some of you might recall that this past month, my family welcomed a new addition to its household. With a newborn around once more, I'm...

Choose My Adventure: Wrapping up my Guild Wars 2 adventure

Hello again, friends, and welcome to the fourth and final installment of the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns edition of Choose My Adventure....

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Games and education

We've got some really smart commenters here at MassivelyOP, and I think they help keep the fiercer trolls away. But when Joystiq itself went under,...

Choose My Adventure: Rising through the ranks in Guild Wars 2

Hello, friends, and welcome yet again to another installment of Choose My Adventure. Over the course of last weekend, I've continued my journeys in...

Elder Scrolls Online’s veteran ranks are going bye bye

Elder Scrolls Online creative director Rich Lambert made a post on the game's official forum recently that should lead to much rejoicing. Unless you...

Face the Lord’s Labyrinth in Path of Exile’s next expansion: Ascendancy

Earlier this month, Grinding Gear Games teased Path of Exile players with an announcement of an upcoming expansion announcement. Well folks, today's the day!...

MMO Burnout: Star Wars Battlefront

I'm kind of in love with Star Wars: Battlefront. I shouldn't be, really, because underneath the glitz and gloss, it's a pretty pedestrian multiplayer...

Choose My Adventure: Running amok with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

Hello again, friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. As you may or may not have noticed, CMA took a little hiatus last...

Hands-on with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns’ first raid

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, raiders of all professions: I'm delighted to finally be able to spill the beans about all things raiding...

Why I keep returning to Lord of the Rings Online

I got sucked into Lord of the Rings Online last weekend and I'm not sure why. There's no new Hobbit movie forthcoming (thank funk). I haven't...