
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Choose My Adventure: Heart of the Cards in FFXIV Heavensward

Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri to the second installment of Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward edition. Last week, I...

Behind the scenes: The sights and sounds of World of Warships’ vessels

Immersion. That's not a word you often hear associated with lobby-based PvP games. But in the case of World of Warships, the third title...

Trion welcomes action-RPG Devilian into its fold

After a cryptic teaser site posted last week, Trion Worlds is finally ready to make its big announcement: The studio will be publishing Korean...
Make it everything.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is (almost) a perfect expansion

There are certain phrases you really want to be able to use but don't expect to in a first impressions piece. That headline is...

E3 2015: Blade & Soul’s ‘full-access F2P’ model and hands-on

Long before NCsoft officially announced that Blade & Soul was heading west, fans were eager for the chance to get their hands on the game...
This is my surprised face.

E3 2015: The Division’s Dark Zone demo does the game no favors

After covering the development of Ubisoft's The Division since 2013, I finally got my hands on the game itself -- and its PvP -- at this...

Punching dinosaurs in ARK: Survival Evolved

Five minutes after I logged into ARK: Survival Evolved, I punched a fish. A few moments later, I punched a tree. Shortly thereafter, I...

E3 2015: Torchlight Mobile is a new Torchlight, not Torch-lite

When Perfect World and Runic Games announced last week that Torchlight was stretching out into the mobile market, it caught many folks quite unawares. (It's...

E3 2015: Cory Jones discusses HEX, lawsuits, and cake

I first saw MMOTCG HEX at E3 2013 at the same time the Kickstarter was revealed to the public, which was actually after it had...

E3 2015: Hands-on with Sword Coast Legends

I'm more an MMORPG player than a Dungeons & Dragons tabletop gamer, but I'm familiar enough with D&D to be intrigued by the addition of...
Not gignatic: the remaining workforce.

E3 2015: Hands-on with Motiga’s ‘shooter MOBA’ Gigantic

As some of you recall, Gigantic is one of those games that looks like a MOBA and smells like a MOBA but -- for a...

E3 2015: David Braben on Elite: Dangerous

How does the guy who got motion sickness from Kirby's Air Ride get assigned to the flight simulators every year? Yes, at this year's E3, with...

Perfect World announces World of Jade Dynasty

Perfect World has announced a new MMORPG, though it's currently slated for the Chinese market. It's called World of Jade Dynasty, and it's designed...

MMO Burnout: Sailing the seas of Windward

Windward is an oddly endearing little duck that escaped my wandering game eye prior to the moment developer Tasharen Entertainment dangled an early access key...

Splatoon is Nintendo’s first serious entry into online gaming

Gaming giant Nintendo is no stranger to online play, but its online play usually comes with distinct limitations on the game that features it. The Animal Crossing series takes...

A guide to Heroes of the Storm for MOBA newbies and MMORPG fans

So you've heard about MOBAs by now, right? Maybe you tried League of Legends, or the idea behind DOTA 2 was too confusing to inspire a...
Try to fly better than this.

Hands-on: Blade & Soul’s western port is a cheerful cliche storm (and I want to play more)

I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Blade & Soul just moving around. Most of the time in a given game, I'm moving around because...
Much like TERA, having a discussion about this game's attitude towards women is mostly a matter of shaking your head in exasperation.

Blade & Soul hits western shores this winter

Remember when comic books had little call-outs on the front cover proudly proclaiming that something happened because the readers requested it? I always thought...

Master X Master Online is an NCsoft MOBA with a twist

Are you curious about NCsoft's Master X Master Online? Steparu's put the game through its paces and has nice things to say about it, concluding...

DC Universe Online: Halls of Power II and the end of DLC

If you are not a subscriber to DC Universe Online, you're still sitting back on the sidelines anticipating the release of Halls of Power Part...