
They said what? They’re using that business model? They hired whom? [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

PlanetSide 2 Creative Director Matt Higby resigns from his post

EverQuest Next might be safe according to the head honcho of Daybreak, but PlanetSide 2 is in for a rocky time: PS2 Creative Director Matt...

Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next is going to be ‘more than ok’

Worried about this week's mass firings of Daybreak employees and wondering what might happen to both Landmark and EverQuest Next? The studio has a...
Jef in Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls’ road ahead is paved with virtual currency

Elder Scrolls Online game director Matt Firor has posted a lengthy Road Ahead update on the game's website. He touches on loyalty rewards (including...
Slashy slashy!

Nexon pressures NCsoft as largest shareholder

While Nexon and NCsoft may be competing developers in the MMO space, business has made strange and hostile bedfellows of both. After purchasing enough shares...
Hate the player, not the game! It's not the player's fault that they're in the game as it is.

Former PS2 producer: ‘Don’t hate on Daybreak’

After yesterday's news it's understandable that fans of Daybreak Games' software lineup might be somewhere between nervous and upset. Former PlanetSide 2 producer David...

The Soapbox: Facing an industry of change

Right now I believe that we are on a threshold of change in the MMO industry, and it feels a little uncertain and a...

Listen to a Star Wars Galaxies and Earth & Beyond ‘post-mortem’

If you're looking for a blast to the past of science fiction MMOs, then clear your schedule for an hour of enlightening talk by...

Star Trek Online changes executive producers

Star Trek Online has a new captain helming its ship, as Stephen D'Angelo has stepped down as executive producer and long-time STO dev Stephen...
EQ2 freeport

Daybreak layoffs hit Landmark, EverQuest Next, H1Z1, more

Well, here's a news post I didn't want to write. SOE Daybreak Games has laid off popular Global Community Relations lead Linda Carlson as...

NCsoft Q4 2014: NCsoft financials paint a grim picture for WildStar

The good news for fans of NCsoft's game catalogue is that the company as a whole is doing well. The most recent earnings report...