
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Gloria Victis has sold 30,000 copies in early access

The early access switch was flipped on for Gloria Victis a month ago, which has been a big transition for the team. It's been...
That's going to take an engineer to fix, ironically.

Elite: Dangerous postpones CQC tournament in favor of PvP Icarus Cup

Frontier has canceled the Elite: Dangerous CQC tournament intended to run this year, at least as it was originally planned. Head of Community Zac...
Cats are cats.

Leaderboard: Are you preparing for WoW Legion?

Legion is coming. Last week, Blizzard began pushing out the pre-patch for pre-launch events for World of Warcraft's Legion expansion. That means Demon Hunters are...

Warframe game director apologizes for the ‘mess’ created by its last update

Warframe's Spectres of the Rail update on Friday hasn't quite gone to plan. Redditors have taken Digital Extremes to task for pushing out a...

Wisdom of Nym: The missteps of Final Fantasy XIV’s main scenario through Heavensward

There are going to be spoilers in this column. Let's make this entirely clear. If you read this column without having finished up Final...

Join Starfall Tactics’ pre-alpha event with a key from Snowforged and MOP

Snowforged Entertainment's online space strategy MMO Starfall Tactics is running another pre-alpha event for testers later this week. "Prepare to crash your opponents in intense tactical battles,...

Medal Masters makes a bid for your attention with a large mobile update

If you zombie players can rip yourselves away from Pokémon Go for a few seconds, you might see that there are actually other mobile games...

There’s a Blade and Soul prequel in the works

Blade and Soul was one of the big western imports this year, but it's about to get some competition of its own making. NCsoft...

MMO Week in Review: Lament for Turbine (July 10, 2016)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! The...

The MOP Up: Path of Exile’s Q&A bonanza (July 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Tree of Savior spotlights the Swordsman

"Dear Massively OP," we fully expect a fan to email us, "Today I was disturbed and perplexed at the sight of a jouster sitting...
Well, this seems very sensible.

Soul Ark is being developed based on original Ragnarok fiction

Were you aware that Ragnarok Online was based off of pre-existing fiction? Because it totally was. You can read about it, if you're so...

Make My MMO: People are actually buying Richard Garriott’s blood (July 9, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Shroud of the Avatar's Richard Garriott and Starr Long shocked gamers by auctioning off art pieces that include their...

Aion 5.0 is coming to Europe on August 10

While Aion's North American community is looking forward to next week's Echoes of Eternity update, the European crowd has its own special patch coming...

Habitat’s source code is available for everyone

When does the history of MMOs start? If you answer that the first MMO was Ultima Online, you're right enough. If you answer that...

Crowfall’s Myrmidon is treated to its own feature poster

Who has plans to play the mighty Myrmidon when Crowfall comes out? This minotaur looks absolutely frightening, a lumbering war machine full of muscles,...
Must we?

Betawatch: World of Warcraft and the art of pre-patch trolling (July 7, 2016)

We have a launch date for World of Warcraft's next expansion, but we don't have a date for the pre-patch before the expansion launches....

World of Warcraft thieves are using a new chat script to scam players out of gold

World of Warcraft players beware: There's a new scam going on that requires a little bit of gullibility and action on the part of the...

Diablo III’s season six is concluding on July 22, season seven coming in August

Diablo III -- on the PC at least -- is all about the seasonal fun these days, and players who have worked hard to...
Dad has not yet come back from the store.

Chronicles of Elyria teases its new store in wake of its new website

Man, the Chronicles of Elyria website is looking good lately. Did it lose weight? Yes, apparently, although almost all of that was in the...