
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Online games and internet addiction

Massively OP's overview of Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt's book The Video Game Debate last month was just the beginning of our coverage of the...

Perfect Ten: The most innovative RuneScape experiments

RuneScape seems to be an MMO that's incredibly easy to dismiss by the wider MMO community for being "too kiddy" or being a little...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO beta (or alpha) made you the happiest?

Betas used to be a huge thing for me. I was deeply envious of those who got into testing when I was left on...

Choose My Adventure: WildStar’s crafting frustrations

Welcome, everyone, to another installment of Choose My Adventure: WildStar edition. Last week, Bonongo Jazz, Chua Spellslinger-slash-Explorer-slash-Architect extraordinaire, arrived at the Dominion outpost of...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Last-minute hopes and preparation for Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns

I swear I've been waiting all year to say this: Heart of Thorns hits this Friday, everyone! Cue the massive in-game parties, mass orders...

Ascent’s lead dev offers insight on the Star Citizen controversy

Last week, the Massively OP podcast hosted guest James Hicks, the developer behind impressive indie space sandbox MMO Ascent: The Space Game. You won't...

Chaos Theory: Sneaking into The Park with Joel Bylos

Decisions, decisions. When you are invited to a special sneak peek of The Park, the upcoming single-player game based on The Secret World's own...

The Daily Grind: Does Defiance’s TV cancellation impact your interest in the game?

Defiance (the TV series) is no more, but Defiance (the MMO) lives on for now. The question on the table here is what does this...

Global Chat: Why your MMO pushed me away

Hey MMO developers, have you ever wondered why players are driven away from your games? Two bloggers took a stab at a list of features...

SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire and the illusion of choice

Knights of the Fallen Empire, the latest expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, launched early access today, and SWTOR fans are elated. They...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 34: Rollbacks and breakups

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, WildStar, GW2, RuneScape, Marvel Heroes, Black Desert, Nexon/NCsoft, WoW, and Wakfu, with mailbag questions on expansion pricing and horizontal gameplay.

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 12

The final day of 12 Days of TOR is here, and we are doing a little twist in today's Star Wars: The Old Republic...

First impressions: SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire delivers

For the last few days, I have been playing the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire. My expectations going...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been scammed in an MMO?

One quirk of some early MMORPGs was that character names weren't always unique. It was possible to roll multiple characters with precisely the same name and...

Sword and Bored: World clipping

Mo falls through the cracks in the world and struggles to save himself from his MMO.
I need healing.

Wisdom of Nym: The state of Final Fantasy XIV’s healers

One of the damage dealers in the party can't stay out of damaging effects because moving interrupts his casts, and he thinks finishing a...

The Daily Grind: Will you try Wurm Unlimited?

I don't know what was going on with me during the week of September 16th, but I completely missed the news about fantasy sandbox...

EVE Evolved: Does skillpoint trading make EVE pay-to-win?

EVE Online's realtime skill training system has been a major point of contention throughout the game's lifetime, being a boon for those with little...
At its core, this is just a couples' shot.

The Daily Grind: What keeps you from roleplaying?

I really, really enjoy roleplaying. It's one of the biggest ways that I enjoy a game. I like coming up with elaborate character backstories...

Nexus Telegraph: Six little WildStar elements that I love

With the free-to-play launch calming down somewhat (look man, I can log onto the server!) and fall events kicking off in WildStar, I've been...