
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Heroes of the Storm tweaks Auriel and Gul’dan with a new patch

Balance tweaks are a regular thing for Heroes of the Storm, and not all of them are just there to prevent a character from...

Pokemon Go: Appraisal patch, stampedes, and fixing that UI

Pokemon Go's latest patch finally makes the team leaders do something. "Implemented Pokémon Appraisal: Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack...

Tibia starts selling XP boosts 19 years later

The extremely long-running MMO Tibia is just now starting to sell experience boosters in its cash shop, 19 years after the game's release. The...

Dungeon Fighter Online welcomes the Demonic Lancer

What's cooler than a Demon Hunter? How about a Demonic Lancer? The newest class in Dungeon Fighter Online also boasts the longest reach out of...
I want a new... arsenal.

Final Fantasy XIV eases weapon requirements with patch 3.38

How's your weaponry looking in Final Fantasy XIV? Could it use a bit of an upgrade? The small patch that just dropped won't inherently...

World of Warcraft shows off the World Quest system

When you reach level 110 in World of Warcraft: Legion, you've got a new sort of content awaiting you. They're not daily quests or...
Red, white, and blue

Star Trek Online promises some exclusives for console players

Let's assume, for a moment, that you earn current generation consoles but still haven't jumped into Star Trek Online up until now. What's going...
Somewhere, across the sea, somewhere.

Wisdom of Nym: Three years since Final Fantasy XIV’s relaunch

When the last anniversary rolled around, we were coming off of an expansion launch for Final Fantasy XIV, one of the smoothest launches I...

Gamescom 2016: World of Warcraft brings out the hard content three weeks after Legion’s launch

For some players, the real fun of World of Warcraft: Legion won't start until a month after its August 30th launch. At the Legion-plus-three-weeks...

The MOP Up: EverQuest II says hello to Kunark (August 21, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
I made you this. Use it.

Gamescom: Elder Scrolls Online on lockboxes, the gold edition, and One Tamriel

A Redditor who attended The Elder Scrolls Online's tavern event at this year's Gamescom snagged over half an hour of shaky-cam footage and a...

Trove wrangles the Dino Tamer into its class roster

Trove has been cultivating a reputation as a game with a diverse array of pretty awesome classes, so there's always that pressure to do...
Late in the game is better than not in the game, I suppose.

Betawatch: Das Tal becomes The Exiled (August 19, 2016)

There's a certain risk involved in changing your game's name after people have already gotten used to a name. After all, people might not...

Heroes Quest claims to be a ‘roguelike mobile MMORPG’

Here's a game we didn't know existed until now: Heroes Quest. Developer Viper Game is calling the free-to-play game a "redefining mobile MMORPG" and "roguelike...
Everything ever forever.

Start collecting RuneScape’s new skilling pets next week

Looking for a cute companion to help boost your RuneScape skills? You can start collecting some starting next week when the new skilling pets...

Neverwinter’s Storm King’s Thunder proves it is also sick of summer with Cold Run zone

PWE has a quick Neverwinter dev blog out today covering the frigid wasteland of Cold Run, whose name aptly describes what you should probably...

NCsoft previews Aion 5.1 for EU with new instances and battlefields

If you're thinking, hey, didn't Aion just put out a patch like 10 days ago, then congratulate your memory on retaining that information. Indeed,...

Grab a Warframe credit booster in time for the Silver Grove launch

In honor of the launch of the Silver Grove update on PC today, Warframe studio Digital Extremes has granted Massively OP 1001 keys for a three-day...

Champions Online welcomes twin sidekicks

Two sidekicks for the price of one? What a deal! What a revelation! What a savings! Well, that's enough first-paragraph excitement for the day. Let...

World of Warcraft further tweaks invasion XP, gives a sneak ‘peak’ of Highmountain

More fine-tuning of World of Warcraft's demon invasions is coming today, as Blizzard said that it is making a couple of fixes to how...