
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Elder Scrolls Online previews Morrowind’s dwemer ruins

Remember Naryu Virian? She's the snarky assassin fronting Elder Scrolls Online's Morrowind tour videos, and she's back again today with a disdainful travelogue on...
Oh, Mr. Ross, always a pleasure.

SMITE honors ‘painting god’ Bob Ross in next week’s update

I almost feel sorry for a patch like the one hitting SMITE next week -- it's got new skins for Erlang Shen, Sol, Thoth,...
Heroes do actually die, but...

Fan-made Overwatch short explores Mercy’s backstory

If you've played a single Overwatch game with Mercy as your support hero, you've heard her rallying shout at least once - "Heroes never...

Ashes of Creation’s Steven Sharif on his business history, $30M funding goal, and PvP

As I put this piece together Thursday morning, Ashes of Creation's Kickstarter has far exceeded its $750,000 goal, surging along toward stretch goals with...

RuneScape blasts off to the Shattered Worlds

Looking for a new challenge in RuneScape? Jagex has opened up the Shattered Worlds, a chain of islands that contain ever-fiercer (and stranger) foes....

Age of Heroes gives a glimpse into what a full-fledged VR MMO might be like

Plenty of studios are fiddling about with virtual reality these days and making big noise on the subject, but for MMORPG fans, the burning...

Indie sandbox El Somni Quas answers Q&A, features Rogues Guild and Sparrow Port

It's been a while since we checked in with El Somni Quas, the indie sandbox from a Czech studio that cut its teeth on Ultima...
Slash heal.

‘Reputation should matter’: Crowfall ties your account name to your character name

Anonymous griefers, Crowfall might not be the game for you. In May's developer Q&A video, the team clarified that players' character names will be...

Grab a Paladins Evie Conjuration skin key in honor of the console F2P open beta launch

Hi-Rez MOBA/shooter Paladins officially launches into its free-to-play open beta on console today, meaning gamers on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 can finally join their...

Pantheon unveils the second part of its early Monk preview

Harsh environments, energetic punches, and the ever-present specter of death, all of this can be found within the archive of the most recent Pantheon:...

The Stream Team: Hankering for hydrogen in Osiris: New Dawn

When you want to build (not to mention breathe!) In Osiris: New Dawn, you have to head out into the wilds to gather yourself...

Neverwinter’s Shroud of Souls update is now live on PC

Shroud of Souls is live in Neverwinter today as promised -- at least if you're on PC. Console folks, you'll be waiting a bit...
Well, all right.

LEGO Conan Exiles isn’t a game, but it is a trailer

The whole "LEGO everything" bit is pretty played out at this point. We've got several dozen platforming 3D games that have "LEGO" in the...

The Elder Scrolls Online honors 15 years of Morrowind with a new trailer

Fifteen years ago this week, I was sitting down to play Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for the first time, I'm guessing like many of...
That's one handsome beggar-man.

Path of Exile previews updated NPC models and adds new cosmetics to its store

Since Path of Exile's next major update is really heavy on story, it's the perfect time for the team behind the game to work...

LOTRO confirms a multi-boss raid for its Mordor expansion

When it comes to Mordor, is there any zone better suited to large, epic endgame fights? Yet when Lord of the Rings Online players...

Tale of Toast’s cute aesthetics hide old-school challenge

Don't judge a book by its cover, they say, and certainly don't go making assumptions about the difficulty levels of MMORPGs by how gritty...

The Stream Team: Power to the PC on a Marvel Heroes Monday

You may be hearing quite a bit about Marvel Heroes Omega lately (there's even a founder's pack giveaway ending tonight right here on MOP!), but...
Avec les hommes et le Pokey.

Pokemon Go player faces up to 3.5 years in Russian penal colony over blasphemy law

A 22-year-old Russian vlogger is facing prison time for playing Pokemon Go inside a church. Last summer, Ruslan Sokolovsky recorded himself playing Pokemon Go on...

Ashes of Creation’s Kickstarter is live, seeking $750,000 to bolster the ‘rebirth of the MMORPG’

"If necessary, I have made some very good friends in my previous business endeavors who are dying to invest." -Steven Sharif, Massively OP interview,...