
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

H1Z1 pushes out patch and trailers for both of its new halves

Welcome to the glorious era of trying to keep track of dual H1Z1 games at any given time. Yesterday, Daybreak put out new one-minute trailers for...

The Stream Team: Bunnies or bust in HEX

Everyone seems to be telling Massively0P's MJ that she should abandon HEX's Shin'hare race because its deck is weak. However, MJ is pretty stubborn,...

The Stream Team: Moving past Makeb in SWTOR’s story

SWTOR keeps adding new chapters to the story, but MassivelyOP's MJ can't experience them yet because she still hasn't made it to the KOTFE...

Trinium Wars pushes Steam launch to March, demos 1000-player PvP

InselGames and HanmaruSoft have today posted a trailer for Trinium Wars' large-scale PvP gameplay, called Resource War. The Resource War mode plays out on...

NCsoft’s Master X Master’s ‘global’ test due to begin soon

NCsoft has announced that the first global test for its upcoming franchise-blending MOBA Master X Master is on the way. Curiously, the "global" test appears...

The Black Death survival sandbox seeks testers, posts fresh trailer

Introduced back in January, The Black Death is a survival sandbox in which players are medieval commoners struggling to make it during a nasty...

Previewing Chronicle: RuneScape Legends ahead of its March 23 beta

If you haven't heard of RuneScape's upcoming card game, you're not alone. Even when it skittered across my desk last fall, it largely escaped...
One day the snow began to fall...

Black Desert gears up for its final closed beta test

The release date for Black Desert grows ever closer, and that means that its final round in beta is just about here. The final...

The Stream Team: Everything Erollisi in EverQuest II

Whether you are looking for love or just loot, your chance to participate in EverQuest II's Erollisi Day celebration is almost gone. The event...

Check out a test drive of DayZ’s new rendering engine

You remember DayZ, don't you? It's not the only survival sandbox on the market any longer, but it's still in early access and being...
Which is good, because we have to justify that Xbox One purchase somehow.

Is The Division getting endgame raids?

Is The Division getting endgame raids? That's the Reddit rumor the fans at Arekkz Gaming speculated on over the weekend. According to the rumor...

Daum posts Black Desert’s Tamer Awakening video

Raise your hand if you've been fiddling about with Black Desert's stand-alone character creator in anticipation for the game's western release on March 3rd....
It's been quiet.

Elite: Dangerous offers its Arena as a standalone product

You know what you find interesting in Elite: Dangerous. It's not exploring, it's not mining, it's not missions, it's just getting into close quarters...

The Stream Team: Monday mayhem in MechWarrior Online

If Monday isn't one of your favorite days, why not make it better by shooting the snot out of some enemy mechs? MassivelyOP's MJ...

Worlds Adrift’s sky whales are the gentle giants of the clouds

Welcome back to day 42 of WhaleWatch, your faithful Massively OP feature in which we are looking for any sighting whatsoever of Worlds Adrift's...
Boss of the road.

Check out the experience of fighting Bless Online’s world bosses

You wouldn't think that you could have world bosses without instancing in this modern age of MMORPGs, but Bless Online manages to have exactly...
For free

Paragon’s latest video is basically MOBAs for dummies

How I mine for MOBAs? In its latest Paragon video, Epic is going to assume you have no idea how a MOBA works, which...

The Stream Team: Playing with Marvel Heroes’ Black Cat

MassivelyOP's MJ knows that playing with cats can be taking your life into your own hands, and Marvel Heroes' Black Cat is no exception....

Destiny Mega Bloks, event compensation, and leveling shenanigans

Howsabout a Destiny news threesome this afternoon? First, Bungie is teaming up with Mega Bloks for a series of Destiny toy sets this year. Family Gamer...

Massively OP’s sneak peek of Atlas Reactor, Trion’s turn-based strategy MOBA

I first experienced Atlas Reactor just before Trion made its big announcement at the PAX Prime party last summer. At the time, I didn’t...