Flameseeker Chronicles: Tips and tricks for Guild Wars 2’s roller beetle racing

I’m not a big racing game person. Sure, I played my fair share of Mario Kart 64 back in the day, but beyond that, I’m just not that into that kind of high-speed, track-memorizing gameplay. So when Guild Wars 2 introduced roller beetle racing back in 2018, I didn’t pay much attention to it. Recently, however, I was mapping...
Not all scenarios are your best foot forward.

Rumor: The next Final Fantasy XIV expansion is titled Forspoken

It's that time once more, when Final Fantasy XIV fans have scoured trademark registrations to discover the title of the next FFXIV expansion! After all, we all know it's happening and it's around the same time. And sure enough, a registration has turned up for "Forspoken," which places it within the right timeframe for registration and at the proper length and...

PWE and Echtra Games’ Torchlight III has officially launched

It's not an MMO now, but it's finally live: Torchlight III has officially launched today. Originally pitched as a free-to-play MMORPG called Torchlight Frontiers by Echtra Games and PWE way back in 2018, the game won two of our "most anticipated" awards and lingered in long open test periods with worrying delays before admitting in January 2020 that it would...
Nah, you're gonna make it, buddy!

World of Warcraft launches the Shadowlands pre-patch today

As of today, World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is over, because the Shadowlands pre-patch for the game has finally released! And there was much rejoicing. This means that the level squish will be in place, players will have access to several un-pruned abilities, new customization options, Chromie Time, and so forth. There's a whole lot of stuff, so you should...

Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.35 is out today with a community pilot program

It's time to take the fight to the Garlean Empire in a very small way on the Bozjan Southern Front in Final Fantasy XIV. Yes, it's patch day once again, and that means players now have access to new adventures in the aforementioned battleground that both serve as a leveling mechanism for underleveled jobs and a way to gather more...

ArcheAge plans Chronicle patch as players boggle over Unchained’s proposed new ArchePass

Gamigo is rolling out a patch this week for ArcheAge as well as ArcheAge Unchained: Come October 15th, both versions of the game will see the addition of vehicle customization, the return of a lineage of bosses, and a new quest arc: "The episodic Chronicle quest-line, Calleil and the Crown Prince, unravels in a separate lore-based ArcheAge storyline. Heeding the...

Dungeons and Dragons Online: Fables of the Feywild’s bundles includes a $130 edition

With Dungeons and Dragons Online's next expansion tentatively scheduled for November 4th, Standing Stone Games is urging players to get ready for Fables of the Feywild by placing their pre-orders now. The base edition is $40 and includes the actual game content plus the shapeshifting Shifter race. There are more expensive editions, with $80 and $130 price tags, that include...
Let the dead bury their dead, they will come out in droves.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs out there could use a level squish of their own?

MOP backer and fellow blogger Terminally Nerdy pinged us a few weeks back with an interesting conundrum: He was trying to think of other MMOs that have implemented level squishes akin to World of Warcraft's. Off the top of our heads, we couldn't think of one - only corner cases that aren't quite the same thing, like games that...

The Stream Team: Rescuing the pack to find Fennorian in Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor

Mordal was frozen, Karthwatch is kaput, and now Massively OP's MJ needs to rescue a pack of werewolves down in Elder Scrolls Online's Blackreach caverns. Then Edjar will lead MJ to the evil Exarch who abducted Fennorian. Join us live at 8:00 p.m. to continue the Greymoor story. What: The Elder Scrolls Online Who: MJ Guthrie When: 8:00 p.m. EDT on Monday,...

Spellbreak brings new weekly quests, deathmatch, and Halloween cosmetics on October 22

A storm is gathering in the battle royale title Spellbreak. A prologue of things to come. How do we know that? Because we've been told about Prologue: The Gathering Storm, the first seasonal content update that will land on Thursday, October 22nd, free to all players with a number of new things to do. The title of this update references...