Choose My Adventure: EVE Online wasn’t really all that bad I guess

As I alluded to last week, I’ve been putting in a lot of thought into my time with EVE Online over the course of this adventure, and I’m slowly beginning to realize that perhaps it wasn’t all terrible. I mean, it still was terrible, but not because the game is. The longer I think back to everything I’ve done during this...

Console players of TERA can now face the New Awakening update

The time has finally arrived for PS4 and Xbox One players of TERA to wake up to a brand-new day. A day full of an apparent dark god that is angry at the pantheon of light. Which sounds like a pretty bad day, all things considered, but it at least means some brand-new content in the form of the...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: World of Warcraft’s multicolored elf rainbow

Remember how I managed to get an entire column out of all the different flavors of troll within World of Warcraft? Except I kind of cheated there because it was really nine sorts of troll and elves in general, since elves are descended from trolls. Clever and cheeky and all that, I was proud of myself, everyone laughs. And...

Torchlight III’s new mainline patch adds Act 3, contracts, new Lifebound mechanics, and Relic updates

How do you know when a game's patch is a hefty one? When it takes two different pages to cover everything that's in it. Torchlight III's large-scale mainline patch is just such an example, bringing with it a whole slew of updates as promised in a previous state of the game address from Echtra Games. The main party piece, of...
Leg ends

Magic Legends’ business model: lockboxes, classes, and seasonal passes

Everyone knows that Cryptic's business models for its MMOs have been both loved and loathed by many, so we should expect that same community division over the reveal of Magic Legends' free-to-play structure. We'll start with the freebies: All players will be able to access a base set of classes and all playable content for free. They'll also be able...
It's wrecked.

Final Fantasy XIV announces patch 5.3 will launch on August 11

Final Fantasy XIV fans eagerly awaiting the game's next patch (which means more or less everyone playing the game) will be waiting a while. No, longer than that. Like... extend past July. A new letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida confirms that the new scheduled launch date for the patch is August 11th, meaning that the patch was...
Temmie get money for college.

Temtem shares the initial details of its plans for clubs

The upcoming summer update for Temtem (which we've known about for a while) is going to include the game's first iteration of clubs, its equivalent to guilds. But how will these player groupings work? Well, the team talked about it a lot in the official Discord server, but the information has also been helpfully shared in a short Twitter...
All things go, all things go.

The Daily Grind: What does World of Warcraft actually do well?

We all know that World of Warcraft gets its fair share of criticism and grumpy rants, particularly in this Battle for Azeroth era. And while many of those points are acute and well-deserved, today I want to take a recent podcast question and pose it to you: What does World of Warcraft actually do pretty darn well? I could fill...

The Stream Team: EverQuest II demands yet another instance sacrifice to the signature quest lords

Massively OP's MJ was so happy to make it through the Sanctus Seru dungeon in the middle of EQII's Blood of Luclin signature quest line -- only to be immediately confronted with another required instance! Unhappily, she has to trudge through yet another version of Sanctus Seru, this time Echelon of Divinity. While she's not really pleased about having...

Battle royale survival shooter The Cycle is taking names for its third season public playtest

It's been some time since we had reason to focus down on The Cycle, the in-development survival sandbox/battle royale shooter that seeks to shake up the routine battle royale formula. Recently, the devs have been working on the game's third season and have opened up applications for an NDA-protected playtest of the content. This playtest is due to run on...