RuneScape adds scaling to Solak, adds a ripper demon pet, and revives the Ninja Team

If it's Monday, it's another weekly update from RuneScape! In the regular weekly newsletter from Jagex we're getting word of some new scaling features for the Solak fight, the reveal of a cuddly(?) demonic pet, and the return of the Jagex Ninja Team among other things. First, the fight against the boss monster Solak will now scale its difficulty based...

Diablo III previews its 20th season, arriving on March 13

Ready for another season in Diablo III? You've only got about two weeks to be ready, because it's due to land on Friday, March 13th, and there's a preview of things to come. And we'll be honest, a fair number of what's available this season may look familiar to those who play seasonal content regularly. Season 20 is called the...

Black Desert prepares to shoot the Archer onto the PlayStation 4 on March 4

The Archer! A dramatic opponent stepping out of the shadows in Black Desert! Or remaining in the shadows; it doesn't actually matter, the whole point of having a ranged weapon is that you don't have to concern yourself with getting close to your enemies. You just shoot them with arrows. PlayStation 4 players will have that option once the class...
Trash pandas.

Daybreak extended H1Z1’s latest season a few more days

If you're hoping to squeeze a bit more time out of your climb up the H1Z1 leaderboards, then your wish has just been granted by Daybreak Games. The studio recently announced that season six has been extended into this week and offered a look at the premium rewards waiting at the end. Season six will now run through Wednesday, March 4th,...

Grim Dawn’s latest update introduces Monster Totems and a giant list of item changes

Update of Grim Dawn is live, and it has some new content in the form of Monster Totems and an absolutely massive list of itemization changes. What it doesn't have, however, is a swanky patch name, so I'm going to give it one: "Holy Crap All the Items Are Different Now and Also Monster Totems." Clearly, I am...

CSGO esports set a new online viewership record thanks to quarantine

While the final competition of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's Intel Extreme Masters Katowice 2020 didn't exactly draw a huge physical crowd owing to a coronavirus quarantine, it did reportedly set a new viewership record online, so there were plenty of eyes on the final in spite of them not physically being present. According to analysis from Esports Charts, Katowice 2020 raked...
dork dork dork

Path of Exile outlines the changes coming to the Atlas of Worlds in Delirium

The last big update to Path of Exile made some pretty major changes to the endgame, but that was a starting point rather than a conclusion. The upcoming Delirium update is making more changes, starting by bringing back a more reliable and consistent method of spawning and controlling influence in order to fight specific conquerors. Players will be able to...

Ashes of Creation discusses alpha 1, shows off monsters and houses

Ashes of Creation appears to be ramping up things and nearing a point of its first alpha. The most recent developer update livestream has offered some word of where things stand with the testing phase as well as a whole lot of artistic looks at creatures, clothing, and several houses and locations. On the subject of alpha 1, the team...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.2 in review – the story

The funny thing about big Final Fantasy XIV patches these days is that because the smaller material gets a bit more spread out, we also wind up not really being done with the patch until a while later. However, it does mean that the big rush of content can be discussed all at once, and there is certainly a...

Google Stadia apparently has offered insufficient incentives for devs on the platform

So why exactly is Stadia - a major platform launched pushed by Google of all the companies in the world - floundering so badly? The answer may surprise you if, like, you haven't been paying any attention to the news about this platform whatsoever. But a new piece from Business Insider looks at one of the underdiscussed avenues in which the...