EVE Online player spends three years visiting every system

Despite the common perception that EVE Online is nothing but corporate intrigue and scams, some players do actually eschew the cutthroat capitalist meta game...

Get Daredevil for free in Marvel Heroes this weekend

To celebrate the second season of Daredevil coming out on Netflix this month, Marvel Heroes is giving away the hero this weekend to anyone...

Overwatch prepares expanded media universe

As if there isn't already enough excitement over the fact that Overwatch will be launching in a little over two months, Blizzard revealed yesterday...

Superfight lets viewers judge ridiculous imaginary contests

Anyone who's had friends has, at one time or another, gotten into arguments about silly hypothetical match-ups between various fictional and real figures. Who...

SWTOR announces KOTFE Chapter 12: Visions in the Dark, due April 7

BioWare has just announced the next story chapter for Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion: Visions in the Dark. "In Visions...

The Stream Team: Chasing leprechauns in The Secret World

Leprechauns may not be an actual thing in The Secret World, but how can you know for sure?! The world is all about folklore being...

RIFT starts testing its multicore tech

We're betting that there are some of you in the Massively OP audience that gets an involuntary shiver whenever someone uses a sexy technical...
The ice is thin, come on, dive in.

WildStar opens up the Hoverboard zPrix Invitational

The iconic vehicle of WildStar is the hoverboard because it's like a skateboard but it's a hoverboard. So how would you like to take...

Crowfall preps ‘Siege Perilous’ castle siege testing for ‘later this month’

ArtCraft is previewing its next big pre-alpha rollout for Crowfall, codenamed Siege Perilous: the "first phase of testing for some of the initial features...

EverQuesting: Let EverQuest Next live on in Landmark

Well, then. When it rains, it pours. After a lengthy drought of EverQuest Next and Landmark news, we finally got some. And not just a...