NCsoft is porting its MOBA Master X Master to the West

NCsoft has just announced that it's porting Master X Master, its MOBA, to western shores "later this year." The MOBA brings together characters from multiple NCsoft video game franchises (including Blade & Soul, Aion, and even WildStar) and focuses much more on PvE content than most MOBAs, making it a bit of a MOBA/OARPG hybrid. Source: Twitter
You would think this would just be patched in pre-launch at this point.

Blade & Soul deploys a patch to reduce spam and fix bugs

Blade & Soul went down for maintenance at 6 a.m. EST today and will probably remain down until 10:00 a.m. EST. That's the bad news, if you tend to get up early and either didn't need to leave for work or had the day off. The good news is that the maintenance comes along with a patch, and that...

The Daily Grind: Should MMORPGs use Kickstarter as a promotional option?

One of Tuesday's big bits of news was that Hero's Song - John Smedley's big post-Daybreak project - was cancelling its Kickstarter. The announcement was not that the game was stopping production or would not get finished, but the Kickstarter simply wasn't going to hit its targets and thus was cancelled. The investors were still there, and there was...

Nosgoth releases Silenced Cathedral map, shows player growth

If you're a big fan of the Blood Omen and Soul Reaver games, you probably remember the crushing disappointment when Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was quietly cancelled. From the ashes of that project emerged competitive online game Nosgoth, which pits teams of humans and vampires against each other in almost MOBA-like third-person PvP matches. Nosgoth initially had trouble gaining traction...

SWTOR shakes up crafting and instant-60 gear for Update 4.1

We anticipate some very mixed emotions from the announced changes to gear and crafting in the next big update for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Crafting itself will change drastically to increase its relevance, and the gear given to an instant level-60 will no longer be bind-on-legacy. In an effort to make crafting an "important alternative to Mission and Operation gear,"...

The Stream Team: Going for all the golden goodies in The Secret World

MassivelyOP's MJ has taken a break from Issue #13 in order to gorge herself silly on AP and items during the latest Gilded Rage event. What has her grinding her heart out? The chance for a variety of golden goodies, of course! There are tons of cosmetics and even some pets that are only available through tonight, so if...

Battle Bards podcast listens to Age of Wushu’s score

This week on the Battle Bards podcast, the crew visits the far east to evaluate the merits of Age of Wushu's soundtrack. With strong Chinese themes and a very traditional sound, it's a love-it-or-leave-it proposition for some of these bards! Battle Bards is a bi-weekly podcast that alternates between examining a single MMO’s soundtrack and exploring music tracks revolving around a theme....
Das Tal get money for college

Das Tal is working on lag, maps, and caravan raids

Earlier this month, Das Tal's Fairytale Distillery told players that it was working hard on playthrough incentives and accessibility features for its April alpha test. Today, the studio has checked off a number of January tasks, including a new goal system, server end events, a flagging system, and an emote system. The devs have also added target calling, practice dummies...

ELOA’s ‘The Looters’ update describes you as much as the mobs

Elite Lord of Alliance is getting another big update today called simply The Looters. It describes us all, doesn't it? The patch's main feature is a raid dungeon, Den of the Looters, where you'll be killing poisoner and trapper bosses and then, you know, looting their stuff -- including level 40 class weapons. Expect some PvP goodies too: "PvP enthusiasts will...

Listen to Crowfall’s devs discuss crafting scenarios

Have you ever wanted to sit in on a meeting with MMO developers and hear how they work their way through the design process? Crowfall is giving you the chance to do just that with a new video in which a trio of devs hash out imaginary scenarios in which players are harvesting, adventuring, crafting, and building. We'll leave it...