The Secret World begins #IAMTSW contest series

The Secret World's forum game is finally upon us, and as promised, it looks to be a doozy. Funcom will be running several weeks of contests under the banner of #IAMTSW to cater to different skills and interests among the community, and over 35 player groups have signed up to host prizes for the winners along with the studio's...

Deals: Controllers, programmable keyboards from Newegg

Last week, we told you guys about our sponsorship with software/hardware vendor Newegg. As part of that partnership, Newegg is going to be offering our readers special deals that they can get only through us. We've got a few such deals on deck from the company today, stuff MMO gamers might just want. Those controllers will be handy for Elite:...
And Justin weeps, silently, in the corner. No one feels bad about it.

EverQuest Next opens up the Qeynos Foundation Museum contest

EverQuest Next is getting ready to lay the groundwork for the city of Qeynos, and the design team is turning to Landmark to make that happen. Players can now take part in a contest to help craft the Qeynos Foundation Museum, with winning entries promised a permanent space on an island for others to visit and a potential place...
You may be my old favorite, but you don't get a free pass.

WoW Factor: The design slide from start to present

After more than a decade of operation, a curious thing has happened to World of Warcraft: It's circled back around on an awful lot of its design principles, not in the sense that Warlords of Draenor is only a hop and a skip away from the game's original incarnation, which is demonstrably untrue, but in the sense that a...

Pre-purchase Hearthstone’s Blackrock Mountain for free card back

Even though it's not out yet, you can go ahead and pay for Hearthstone's Blackrock Mountain adventure pack to have it waiting for you when it goes live. The second solo adventure to go into the trading card game, Blackrock Mountain is themed after classic World of Warcraft dungeons. The complete adventure pack is $25, and as an incentive for...

EVE Fanfest 2015: CCP opens VR Labs, unveils four new side projects

The story of how virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie was born is a great indicator of shifts within the games industry. While the big publishers continue to shove millions of dollars into blockbuster titles that are too big to fail (but often do anyway), Valkyrie arose from a side project by a few developers in their time off. There's...

Trion says it ‘missed the mark’ with ArcheAge promotion

Yesterday's revelation that Trion was handing out significant gifts to former ArcheAge players to entice them to return to the game -- gifts in some cases worth $100 -- didn't sit well with current subscribers; some of them even started a petition to demand that Trion grant them the same gifts. Last night, Trion admitted that it "missed the mark" with...

The Daily Grind: Does story matter in MMORPGs?

We're breaking out the Daily Grind questions offered up by some of our Kickstarter donors today with one by Kharl, who wanted to talk about story. "Does story matter in an MMO," he wants to know, "and how should it be part of the experience?" Kharl is a big fan of worms, you see, and he brought a whole...
The Division

Here’s what’s known about The Division’s crafting

Wait a minute, what? There's crafting in The Division shooter that Ubisoft is setting in the Clancyverse? Apparently so, according to a new YouTube video that summarizes everything known from various sources. The Division's crafting will purportedly be "important but approachable," as well as focused and fairly hardcore. It can "also somewhat be ignored depending on player preference." So that's...

The Stream Team: Preparing for The Secret World’s Issue #11

With the welcome announcement that The Secret World's Issue #11 is coming next month, it's more important than ever that MassivelyOP's MJ makes it through the current Tokyo story missions. That means she needs to get past that part that bugged out on her before, so she's enlisting the help of Justin to power through the Kaidan sewers and...