Asteroids: Outpost tests out the ore buggy

Classic video game-cum-MMO Asteroids: Outpost is making strides forward in its testing, according to updates on Steam. While the game is in pre-alpha testing with only a "select few" players, the team is able to test systems such as the ore buggy. Unfortunately, they only tell us about it instead of delivering a visual demonstration. "One of our favorite things...
Now rather finite.

Infinite Crisis’ creative director on making an approachable MOBA

Lorehound interviewed Infinite Crisis creative director Cardell Kerr at last week's PAX East. Kerr offers a bit of insight into Turbine's decision to redesign its DC multiverse battler in 2014. The long and short of it is that the 3-lane MOBA market is crowded, so the devs decided to fine tune the title's mechanics, add tutorials, and make the...
If you're not following @TruceSMV, you're missing context for this! Also you're making me sad because I have things there and I want you to love me.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite game to decompress with?

Moving is absolutely awful, as we all know, and I would be very happy to never move ever again. Once my computer was all set up and I had confirmed that the internet worked, I was happy to take a spare moment to game a little. Based on my history and my state of mind, you might assume that...

MMO Week in Review: March 22, 2015

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! The Elder Scrolls Online relaunched a day early this week as "Tamriel Unlimited" with a fresh buy-to-play model and a shiny-new cash shop. Massively OP's own Larry Everett discussed why it's worth returning to the game in his...

EVE Evolved: CCP’s Andie Nordgren on new structures and sovereignty

I've been pretty critical of EVE Online's upcoming sovereignty and nullsec revamp, calling the constellation-wide battle fake and its use of reinforcement timers unnecessary. While I still believe that a multiple capture point mechanic without reinforcement timers would be the ideal system, being at EVE Fanfest 2015 this week has definitely given me cause for optimism. After spending the...
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar talks dev events, a community app, and more

Shroud of the Avatar's latest update is typically meaty. It features the usual footnotes related to in-game tweaks and changes as well as blurbs about a new community-driven mobile app, a chance to name streets in the game; a recap of appearances by Richard Garriott, Starr Long, and Tracy Hickman at SXSW; and details about an upcoming Ultima Online...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen 1.1 adds ships, landing system

Friday was patch day in Star Citizen, so that's the good news. The less-than-good news is that you'll need to reinstall the game to play version 1.1. The whys and hows are included in a new installation guide post on the game's official website. In terms of the patch itself, there are a couple of new ships, new systems, new...

Revival says it will feature ‘graphic sex’

Those of you with sex on the brain may find the latest Revival dev post enlightening. Before we get to the bumping and grinding, though, it's important to remember that Illfonic is building a virtual world. "We are not a theme park game. This is a living world that moves on without you," the devs explain. "This also means we...

One Shots: Memories of those long lost

Sometimes we start silly, and sometimes we start weird, but today we're going to start somber and reflective. Reader Becca made a discovery that touched upon the passing of real-life players, which I'll let her explain. "I recently joined a new guild in EverQuest II and was checking out its wonderfully decorated hall," she sent in. "I came across a cemetery...
Cabal II

The Daily Grind: Did you play Cabal Online?

I've got a question. It's not a burning question, mind you, but it's one I've been meaning to ask for a few days now. The question is: Did you play Cabal Online? Now, before you look at me like that, let me explain. Cabal II is a thing, which means that someone -- perhaps even many someones -- played Cabal...