That old saw.

Eternal Crusade updates players on design goals and founder packs

The melee combat in Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade has gone through several revisions, and it's going to go through several more. The latest State of the Crusade letter to fans makes it clear that the development goal is to make sure that the melee combat - which makes up a good 50% of the game's combat - is smooth,...

Chaos Theory: Six more tips for new Secret World players

You didn't seriously think that six tips could come close to encapsulating the knowledge needed to start in The Secret World, did you? Of course not -- that's why we have 12 tips in total! Last time I gave a hodgepodge of helpful hints that ranged from skills to socializing to saving money. This week's list, however, zeroes in on...
Make my time a priority.

WildStar is now on clearance at Best Buy

So... you all remember how yesterday saw WildStar boxes being yanked in Australia, combined with that promotion encouraging players to buy more boxes of the game? That could mean anything, sure. But the game going on clearance at Best Buy? That... um... well, that could also mean lots of things, but there's a pretty obvious trajectory here. On the bright...
Yeah, thanks, I'm good.

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Welcome Back Weekend starts today

Were you a beta tester on The Elder Scrolls Online but declined to purchase the game? Would you like to see what the game is like after a year's worth of updates? Then you're exactly the sort of person the development team wants playing over the coming weekend, and also exactly the sort of person invited to play during...

Mo’s Egg Hunt: April 16, 2015

When Massively Overpowered first announced its partnership with NewEgg, we promised more from the relationship than just advertising. And we've delivered! You've already seen some awesome giveaways and a few pretty keen deals. Now, we're making sure the best people in the world (that's you, our readers, natch) continue to benefit from this relationship. Check out these outstanding deals we're delivering to you.. and feel...

Exclusive: Cabal II previews four launch dungeons

Upcoming MMO Cabal II has previously showcased on Massively OP its fluid combat mechanics and RIFT-like Abysmo system that spawns random mini-dungeons in the open world. Today, we're getting a look at the game's more permanent dungeons. GM Icee returns to tour Frostrock Forest, Lurpurs Excavation Site, Halls of the Recluse, and Heavenly Citadel, which run the spectrum from noob to expert. The nifty bit...
No one weekend should have all that power.

The Secret World kicks off a powerful weekend early

The Secret World is kicking off a weekend of power early. What makes this weekend worthy of the nickname of "Power Weekend," exactly? Just the fact that every single thing you do over the weekend in the game results in more. Did you earn a piece of black bullion? You get one more. Earned Marks of Venice? You get...

Perfect Ten: Important features MMOs lacked at launch

Every MMO represents a journey, starting with an idea, progressing to a fledgling beta, launching as a production title, and growing thereafter. All of the games we know now aren't exactly the same as they were one, two, or more years ago by virtue of change. Thus, it's often easy to remember that many MMOs launched without what we would consider...
Price shark.

Trion snaps up Linda ‘Brasse’ Carlson

Nothing tells your player community that the transition to a new corporate structure will be totally fine like firing a pillar of community interaction, right? That was the collective reaction when beloved community manager Linda "Brasse" Carlson was hit by the layoffs at Daybreak Games back in February. But there's good news for Brasse, as she's been snapped up...

First round of BlizzCon tix sells out

Within a few minutes of going on sale yesterday, the first round of $199 BlizzCon tickets completely sold out. The good news is that a second round of tickets will be put up for grabs on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. EDT, giving those who missed out another chance to get in on Blizzard's fan convention. BlizzCon 2015 will take place...