alpha testing

Pantheon boasts Unity 5 visuals, prepares internal alpha test

Could it be that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is starting to look... really pretty? A new in-game screenshot of Avendyr's Pass shows how...

SkySaga opens up the desert for Alpha 4

A new biome is coming to SkySaga with its fourth alpha test: the desert. Of course, this being SkySaga and all, the desert promises...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: May 2, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Pathfinder Online made some noise about the future of its settlements feature. Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey also made...
Still kicking!

Betawatch: May 1st, 2015

So why isn't Pathfinder Online attracting more players? Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey apparently feels that it's a matter of the game's fans not stumping...

Shards Online prepares for pre-alpha test on May 9th

Shards Online is preparing to give players a brief taste of its future potential, as Citadel Studios is planning on a pre-alpha test to...

Project Genom gameplay video shows off its high-tech weapons

The sci-fi shooter Project Genom is making great strides with its post-Unreal Engine 4 transition, and the dev team put together a new gameplay...

The Saga of Lucimia focuses on ‘group-based emergent gameplay’

The days of coddling solo players through a massively multiplayer experience are over -- at least according to one upstart indie MMO. Meet The Saga...

Shroud of the Avatar to introduce player-owned towns with Release 17

Shroud of the Avatar's Release 17 is preparing to hit the ground running when it comes out on Thursday, April 30th. In its most...

Novus Inceptio gives you an alien world to rebuild

There's something about the apocalypse that makes a world 100% more awesome, isn't there? People get more creative, previously undeveloped mutated powers come into...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 25, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, a couple of high profile projects met stretch goals. Crowfall will be hiring a dedicated graphics programmer, while...
Depr derp smash lul

Betawatch: April 24th, 2015

Rather than languishing in beta for all eternity, Heroes of the Storm is launching on June 2nd! Sure, there will be no further wipes...
Watch us sit down and program!

Jacobs elaborates on spirit pets in Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained's Mark Jacobs has posted a Thursday afternoon update that's basically required reading if you're a fan of the fantasy RvR title. He...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 18, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we learned about the new Powerplay update coming to Elite: Dangerous that promises to revamp the space sim's...
That beta testing steez.

Betawatch: April 17th, 2015

Path of Exile has another big update on the way! It has fun new skills like Golems, Warcries, and Golemcries! Maybe not so much...

SkySaga explains the tech behind its good looks

SkySaga's developers don't want you to automatically lump their title in with the rest of the voxel crowd based on it looks. A new...

El Somni Quas draws upon classic Ultima Online for an old-school MMO experience

It's interesting to see how players who have grown up under the influence of certain MMOs are now making their own games drawing from...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 11, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we said goodbye to Descent Underground's fundraising campaign. It was a fond farewell, though, since the sci-fi space shooter reboot topped...
Sure you are, home slice.

Star Citizen releases alpha 1.1.1 and a design blog on breathing

Cloud Imperium had a busy Friday, as the firm released Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.1 to backers and also published a couple of notable blog entries....
All the things.

Betawatch: April 10th, 2015

Would you like to talk about Black Desert? Stuff's happening with the game. You can learn how to hunt whales, white or otherwise, and...

Sci-fi shooter Project Genom begins alpha testing

Why can't intergalactic colonization ever go smoothly? There always seems to be at least one continent-shattering war that has to happen before the first...