
Destiny 2’s PS4 exclusives won’t arrive on Xbone and PC until 2018

If the fact that Destiny 2's PC edition is being held back seven weeks following the release of the console versions sticks in your...
We could have planned better.

So why is Destiny 2’s PC version being held back?

PC players looking forward to Destiny 2's fall release are probably going through a torrent of emotions this week. While it's great that Bungie...

Valiance Online hints that alpha test could be near

"As a superhero MMORPG developer, what would you require before officially launching your alpha build?" This intriguing question was presented to the Valiance Online community...

Ship of Heroes reveals the cyborg Prometheans

Since Ship of Heroes is not shy about promoting itself as "superheroes meets Star Trek," it stands to reason that the Borg would somehow...

E3 2017: Sea of Thieves launches a banana meme

How do you eat a banana? Well, you're wrong -- at least according to Sea of Thieves. The seafaring game's E3 trailer showed a brief...
Party in the everything.

Hear Project Gorgon’s Bard healing like a rock star

We are still waiting for the full reveal of Project Gorgon's promised Bard skill, but in the meantime we can enjoy a sneak peek...

Moonlight Blade is really excited about its childlike Loli characters

If you were hoping that Moonlight Blade would have taken a second look at its Loli characters and decided to cover them up with...
Let's get templarious. Assume that's a word.

Crowfall transitions testing into a live environment, updates Kickstarter rewards

Crowfall is about to take its next step into a larger world. The PvP MMO announced that it's preparing to layer a live environment...

Pantheon catches fans up on its 2017 progress

Feel like you're a little behind on what's being done over at Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen? The hardcore MMORPG team put together a...

E3 2017: Dauntless founder’s alpha begins August 18

At E3 today, Phoenix Labs announced that Dauntless' founder's alpha will begin on August 18th, not coincidentally the same day the NDA drops and...

Secret World Legends wraps up weapon spotlights with blood and chaos magic

As the NDA endures over Secret World Legends' beta test, the only information we're getting out of the game right now seems to be...

Secret World Legends fist users have a difficult choice to make

Wolverine clones have a new mechanic to master when Secret World Legends launches later this month. Funcom shone a spotlight on the fist weapon...
But we should really not let these guys off the hook for talking big.

Ashes of Creation will launch its web store next week

If you're curious what was going on with Ashes of Creation's promised web store to allow fans to donate even more money to its...

E3 2017: Ubisoft officially reveals The Crew 2

Ubisoft is undoubtedly pleased with the sales and performance of The Crew because as previously teased, the developer has invested in a full-fledged sequel that's even...

E3 2017: Destiny 2 is launching September 6 on consoles, October 24 on PC

The launch dates for Bungie's highly anticipated Destiny 2 have been revealed, and PC players are going to need an extra-large dose of patience...

Em-8er creates 20-page ‘pitch’ book to sell the game concept

Mark Kern's Em-8er project has reached another internal milestone, with the team achieving a few small (and decidedly quirky) goals such as creating an...

Scale walls and cliffs with Conan Exiles’ climbing system

That tall wall or cliff face that in other video games would represent an impassable barrier is nothing more than an adult-sized playground in...

E3 2017: State of Decay 2 targets spring 2018 launch

Call it State of Delay 2. Players are going to have to wait a little bit longer to get their next hit of Undead Labs'...

E3 2017: Sea of Thieves delays release to early 2018

While it should come as no shock that Sea of Thieves was going to fail to make its projected spring 2017 release window, especially...
Shoot at me bro.

E3 2017: EA BioWare reveals Anthem, a shared-world Destiny clone

Move over Destiny; BioWare is about to take a shot at your market share with its newly revealed Anthem. Anthem is a "shared-world action-RPG" in...