ark survival evolved

Official Site: ARK: Survival Evolved, Steam
Studio: Studio Wildcard
Launch Date: June 2, 2015 (Early Access)
Genre: Dino Survival Sandbox
Business Model: B2P (One-Time Fee)
Platform: PC, Xbox One

The MOP Up: Enter the Phantom Halls — if you dare! (March 18, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Stream Team: Cave diving for ARK glowtails

The last big ARK expedition Massively OP's MJ took was to the surface. What goes up, must also go down, right? So this time,...
Like caw.

ARK Survival Evolved is coming to mobile in full, with a beta beginning today

You know what the world needs? Obviously, it's another version of ARK Survival Evolved, duh. PixARK and ARK Park, nevermind Jurassic World Alive, aren't...

Snail’s voxel survivalbox PixARK launches into early access on March 27

Voxel fans, dinosaur fiends, and survival sandbox freaks have surely had their eyes on PixARK since its original announcement last summer. It's one of...

The Stream Team: ARK Aberration surface expedition

Have you seen the surface of ARK: Aberration? Massively OP's MJ hasn't, and she's excited to go. Today she and the team are gearing...

Massively Overthinking: Is battle royale a fad?

This week in Massively Overthinking, I want to talk about something out on the fringes of our genre: battle royale games. We've been watching...

OARG Jurassic World Alive brings dinosaur dicing and splicing to mobile

You may have thought the multiplayer online dinosaur genre is already tapped out, what with the likes of ARK Survival Evolved and ARK Park...

Trion reboots Defiance as Defiance 2050, launching on PC and console this summer

Welp, now we know what Trion Worlds has been working on: Defiance is getting a sequel, launching for PC, Xbox One, and PS4 this...

The Stream Team: Hunting rock drake eggs in ARK Aberration

Massively OP's MJ has a crab and a large pack of ravagers on the ARK Aberration server, but there is one crucial animal she...

The Survivalist: A tale of two early accesses (and why Conan Exiles comes out on top)

It was the best of early access, it was the worst of early access. We needn't even stop there: It was the age of...

The Stream Team: Love is in the ARK

Besides turning various animals bright pink or red, the Valentine's event in ARK is a mating and breeding extravaganza! Massively OP's MJ and the...

ARK Survival Evolved gives its dinos some tender loving care

Dinosaurs deserve some love too, even if they're oversized grumpy reptiles who keep trying to eat those good-natured players in ARK. The survival sandbox...

The Stream Team: To the blue biome in ARK: Aberration

It's shiny! Also dangerous. But when has danger ever stopped Massively OP's MJ from seeking a shiny? ARK's blue biome in the Aberration expansion...

The Survivalist: ARK’s latest exploit highlights how cheaters ruin official servers

Let's talk exploits. And no, this is definitely not a how-to guide! For shame! If you are a person who exploits, a pox on...
Thanks, great.

ARK Park launches on March 22

There are no doubt people who play ARK: Survival Evolved primarily because it provides a robust environment to play a survival game. There are...

ARK Survival Evolved grants amnesty to players exploiting a bug since 2015

Hey, ARK: Survival Evolved cheaters! Your doom is nigh!... actually no your doom has been postponed, chiefly because so many people are cheaters, or...

Massively Overthinking: What are your criteria for recommending MMOs?

Last week, we got a well-intentioned email from a reader named Rick, who proposed a column in which readers tell us what they are...
Ah, yes.

Snail Games introduces PixARK, heading to early access in March

So you're a Minecraft kind of soul. You like that sort-of-pixelish-but-not-really look. Your friend is an ARK: Survival Evolved junkie. She's more about dinosaurs...

The Survivalist: The downside of hosting custom servers for survival games (and why we don’t do it)

After the latest guide introduced even more possible games to sink our survival teeth into, it is understandable that the question cropped up again...

The Stream Team: ARK makes a good testing ground

Wait, what? ARK on a Tuesday? Yes! Massively OP's MJ needs to give her new gaming rig a go, and ARK -- with its...