
Sea of Thieves invites you on board the party boat

With the closing of the year comes the closing of Sea of Thieves' technical alpha test. As Rare prepares for the beta in January,...

Crowfall’s gods demand your sacrifice

In an effort to create "moment-to-moment" gameplay and progression for players to enjoy in short bursts, Crowfall's team has come up with a new...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2018

With 2017 drawing to a close and 2018 rushing up to meet us, the Massively OP team has regrouped for another round of bold...

Life is Feudal gets festive for the holidays

It's the season for giving, the season for loving, and the season to put feuds behind us. But don't neglect Life is Feudal, oh...

Snag a Wild Buster trial key from InselGames and Massively OP!

If you watched "gritty sci-fi hack'n'slash MMOARPG" Wild Buster launch last week and considered giving it a go but hadn't quite pulled the trigger, then today's...

The Stream Team: Get a free first look at Valnir Rok

One of the new survival sandboxes that Massively OP's MJ has been eager to try is Valnir Rok. And thanks a free day in...

Crowfall overhauls crafting with special stations, tiers, and improved UI

The world of Crowfall will never be the same again. If you're a crafter, that is. ArtCraft's December update for the PvP MMO is overhauling...
We are coming undone

Just Survive plugs in anti-cheat measures and performs server wipe

Watch out, evil-doers: Just Survive is coming for you. The zombie MMO patched in a slew of new anti-cheat measures this week to keep...

Hyperspace Beacon: A six-year retrospective of Star Wars The Old Republic

Happy birthday, Star Wars: The Old Republic. I don't think your birthday has actually ever fallen on the same day that my article released,...

Chronicles of Elyria dives into friends and family alpha

While Chronicles of Elyria's backers should be getting into the game's alpha and beta tests next year, a select fortunate few are already enjoying...
Well, good by the standards of this title.

The Repopulation restarts its test world but removes backer tiers

It's a case of good news, bad news over at The Repopulation this month. The scifi sandbox, which is now being handled by Idea Fabrik...

Enter to win a Closers ‘Ace’ founder pack from En Masse and MOP!

In honor of Closers' early access beta this season (and the huge update video En Masse put put out yesterday), we've got an even bigger...

Sea of Thieves is getting a comic book treatment

Every pirate needs some good reading material for those long ocean voyages, assuming that they can read. And now, for the literate and illiterate...
Remember when this was what we were taking about?

BioWare’s Anthem may have a virtual reality mode

BioWare has been unusually quiet about its upcoming Destiny 2 killer, Anthem, since the title's initial announcement this past summer. And while nothing official...

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds moves over one million Xbox One units

Two days, one million copies sold. It's just another record for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' mantle. The battle royale shooter moved over a million units during the...

Survivalbox roundup: CSGO’s survival mode, Astroneer’s alpha, Osiris New Dawn’s Zer, and ARK’s Ragnarok

Welcome back to another fast look at what the survivalboxes are up to! We've got tidbits from ARK, CSGO, Astroneer, and Osiris: New Dawn. First...

Legends of Aria faces down closed beta testing

Ultima Online spiritual successor Legends of Aria is preparing to go through a major transition over the new year as it winds down its...

The Game Archaeologist: Revisiting the first three months of World of Warcraft

Were you there? Many of us were. Many weren't. Either way, November 23rd, 2004 was a watershed date for the MMORPG industry and one watched...

Ashes of Creation has 64 class combinations for you to try out

Now that Ashes of Creation is officially in its alpha testing, players will be able to discover for themselves what awaits in this interesting...
At this point it's debatable if anything will come out of here.

Betawatch: Ashes of Creation testing is set for today (December 15, 2017)

Who wants to play a guessing game? If you're an Ashes of Creation backer, you get to play one whether you answered yes or...