
Very nice-ah

Naïca releases a gorgeous pixel art trailer ahead of its equally pixelated open beta

The open beta for Naïca starts on November 10th. We've covered that before, of course, along with all of the things that the game...

Betawatch: New World approaches its autumn alpha apprehensively

No, no, don't worry. This will not be like the joke a couple of weeks ago with the letter P in front of things. New...
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Pantheon promises its next alpha this month while looking for investments

There are problems on display right now for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. This is upsetting to type, of course, but the late Brad McQuaid's next...

Betawatch: Star Citizen pushes a patch public and promises progress on PSquadron 42

Did you know you can put the letter "P" in front of almost any word if you want to? It's clever. Modern spelling. Anyhow, PStar...

Betawatch: Torchlight III leaves early access to release on October 13

At long last, we know when Torchlight III (nee Frontiers) is launching. It's October 13th! Isn't that exciting? There are also outlined plans for how the...
Mr. Anderson, welcome back.

Betawatch: Crucible keeps working on the Heart of the Hive

Ah, Crucible, you entered our lives so quickly and then exited equally quickly... but only back to beta. You might think this is unnecessary...

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands adds a new Rogue Covenant ability as the beta sees another round of tuning

The next World of Warcraft expansion is slated to go live on October 26th, but there's still tuning and even some significant changes happening in...
Icy Hot, but a game.

Betawatch: Frozen Flame burns its way into a cool closed beta

Survival action RPG Frozen Flame announced this week that it was heading into closed beta with a single-player mode, a new event, and a special...
Patch, patch, patch.

Betawatch: Craftopia is doing the difficult Early Access work

There's kind of a pall around early access games, mostly because a lot of them launch into early access and then faff about pointlessly. But Craftopia...

Betawatch: New World promises lots of content in its November test

People seem to have generally been rather pleased with the New World preview event this month, huh? It's winding down today, but the promise made...
Blessed not be.

Betawatch: Bless Unleashed plans for a PC beta test

Darn it! I said ages ago that I would be much more interested in Bless Unleashed if it were releasing on platforms I actually...

Betawatch: New World has a new client for a new beta

There's a beta event going down next week in New World, don't you know, and it's coming with a new shiny client. Can you...
All right, here we go.

Betawatch: Torchlight III does its final pre-launch wipe

Gosh, what a strange road it has been for Torchlight III. Like... at one point that wasn't even its name. But the important thing...

Betawatch: Here comes Crowfall’s beta

Five years since its Kickstarter, Crowfall is finally entering beta next week! That's good news for backers and even better for MMO PvP fans...
It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of of theoretical games.

Betawatch: The silence on Squadron 42 was all about a video not being pretty enough

So Star Citizen fans were more than a little miffed that the news on Squadron 42 had slowed from "a crawl" to "did that...
Fracking! Yes? No.

Betawatch: Fractured and Magic: Legends do the closed alpha dance

You can test if you want to if you've gotten an invite. Yes, Fractured kicked off its most recent closed alpha after a delay,...

Betawatch: Magic Legends begins invites for its second closed alpha

I bet you thought Betawatch this week was going to be all about World of Warcraft's Shadowlands beta, which did indeed begin and we've already...
And a real universe.

Betawatch: Dual Universe targets August for a subscription beta

Here comes the beta for Dual Universe! And you'll need to pay for it if you don't buy an alpha-access pack before then; there...
Mr. Anderson, welcome back.

Betawatch: Crucible has re-entered beta

Ah, Crucible, welcome back to the warm embrace of being in beta. Yes, after launching with something like a bellyflop, the game is now...

Betawatch: Crowfall’s alpha is actually kind of a beta but also mostly an alpha

Apparently, Crowfall's current test state is "technically" a beta. Technically. As the person who maintains this list, splitting hairs like this technically annoys me....