Major gaming publishing house, known primarily to MMO players for the Elder Scrolls series, including The Elder Scrolls Online.
bethesda softworks
Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC arrives October 23
Elder Scrolls Online has just put a date on the launch of the much-anticipated Clockwork City DLC bundle, which is taking players deep into...
PSA: Get tons of Elder Scrolls Online (and Legends!) stuff for $12
If you've held off your entrance into Elder Scrolls Online, here's an opportunity to jump in, cannonball-style. The Humble Monthly Bundle is all about...
Elder Scrolls Online kicks off ‘#10MillionStories’ campaign in honor of 10M players
Back at E3, the ZeniMax Elder Scrolls Online team announced that it had accumulated 10 million unique players since its original launch in 2014 -...
Perfect Ten: The 10 live MMORPGs everybody should try
If you have ever visited the MMORPG subreddit, you probably know that one of the most frequent posts that pop up are ones asking...
Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC is aimed at explorers and mystery buffs
ZeniMax has a new dev blog up on The Elder Scrolls Online's Clockwork City DLC today, teasing the update and explaining just why it...
The MMO Book Club votes between Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, DCUO, EverQuest, RuneScape, ArcheAge, and WoW
Hey, remember the MMO Book Club? That's the Reddit-and-Discord group that allows members to vote on a game to play, then organizes a guild...
The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?
I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...
Elder Scrolls Legends nerfs its Twitch ‘drops’
Earlier this year, popular streaming platform Twitch - with whom we are a partner - introduced what probably ought to have been a controversial...
Tamriel Infinium: First impressions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC
It's hard to know where to start with these impressions because the upcoming DLC for Elder Scrolls Online is significantly more complex, more extensive,...
Take a peek at Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC map and subzones
Now that Elder Scrolls Online's Clockwork City DLC is live for testing on the PTS, the spoilers have changed over from a trickle to...
Check out Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City patch notes, new houses, and new cosmetics
Who doesn't like some nice fresh patch notes? The Elder Scrolls Online is letting players into the Clockwork City, at least on the test...
Neverwinter highlights major inventory quality-of-life overhaul
Inventory management in MMORPGs is critical -- I can't even imagine playing something like World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls Online without inventory mods...
Take a tour of Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City, arriving on the PTS this week
Excited about Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming foray into the Clockwork City? This mechanical metropolis is coming "a little later this year," offering a new...
The MOP Up: PlayerUnknown’s Battleground and the fog of war (September 17, 2017)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Global Chat: Not that impressed by Destiny 2
Destiny 2's recent PC beta certainly brought out curious players in droves, and MMO bloggers couldn't help but share their opinions on this next...
Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMORPG lore
In which we discuss varying levels of MMO lore effort and Eliot admits he doesn't remember the names of Pac-Man's ghosties.
Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMOs of 2017’s PAX West
PAX West 2017 has come and gone, and though MJ is still feverishly working on her last few articles, we wanted to pause a...
‘Yes, you can transmute any weapon or armor’ in Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC
One of the most intriguing bits of news to emerge in The Elder Scrolls Online's Clockwork City DLC preview yesterday was the details behind...
A mechanical wonderland awaits in Elder Scrolls Online’s next DLC
If cogs, gears, and gadgets get your motor running, then you are going to be revving loudly when Elder Scrolls Online's next DLC arrives.
Elder Scrolls Online celebrates the Imperial City DLC’s anniversary with loot-stuffed events
You know what's fun? MMORPG anniversaries. You know what's extra fun, chiefly because of how unusual it is? MMORPG DLC anniversaries. Who does that?