blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

The MOP Up: Battlerite’s magnificent magician (January 21, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Global Chat: Jumping on board the Warframe train

Are you playing Warframe these days? If not, you might be missing out on the growing party of people who seem to be flocking...

Whatever happened to Ascent: the Space Game, Aura Kingdom, and Fragmented?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...

Hell freezes over: Devilian to sunset in March

Two-year-old Devilian will not make it to its third birthday, we are sorry to report. Trion Worlds announced on Friday that it will be...
Something something rightfully forgotten film revival, etc.

Town State Leisure: Camelot Unchained responds to absurd scraper article as only CSE can

If by chance you've ever run a blog about literally anything, you surely know about scrapers - those jerks who use scripts to steal...

Massively Overthinking: Tackling our hoarding problem in MMORPGs

By coincidence, two articles in my feeds this past week both centered on video game hoarding - not hoarding the actual games but hoarding...
As intended.

World of Warcraft will be down most of today fixing patch 7.3.5’s bugs (Aaaaaand it’s back)

So, has World of Warcraft seemed a bit more... buggy to you lately? Because there have been some notable bugs since the whole worldwide...
Darn it.

Hearthstone has three more free card packs for you

It is hard being you, what with all of the freebies being tossed in your direction by the goblins at Hearthstone. First there were...
Liches do it with nothing.

World of Warcraft confirms that raid boss health bump is a mistake and being fixed

It was sort of a smack in the face to go to old raids in World of Warcraft yesterday. Not in the slap-in-the-face disrespectful...

Battle Bards Episode 113: Anarchy Online

Alien, quiet, and weird — that’s the Anarchy Online soundtrack for you in a nutshell. For the first episode of 2018, the ever-contentious Battle...
A world of disappointments.

Overwatch heads off to Blizzard World on January 23

Haven't you ever wished that you could bring your favorite Overwatch characters on a grand tour of every Blizzard game? Because... well, you sort...
No chance to survive!

Heroes Mecha Storm Episode 1 – Mecha skins arrive in Heroes of the Storm! Heralds of the Great Battle!

It is time to begin the great battle for the eternal fate of the Nexus! Hero Rehgar, Orc Shaman from beyond the Dark Portal,...
A dispatch from the days when I bothered.

World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 is live in the wild after extended downtime

Some patches just don't go down smoothly. World of Warcraft wound up extending its patch time for patch 7.3.5. pretty thoroughly yesterday, with the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO zone biome puts you in an adventuring mood?

Two of my favorite MMORPG zones are World of Warcraft's Mulgore and WildStar's Algoroc. Both managed to catch some of the spirit and flavor...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 153: It’s a whole New World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW, DDO, New World, RIFT, Elite, and ArcheAge, with a mailbag question on easing into full-scale MMO sandboxes.
Gotta fly these things somehwere, guys.

World of Warcraft’s patch 7.3.5 abolishes expansion-specific flight skill requirements today

Since the ability to fly was added in the first expansion to World of Warcraft, there's always been the question among players about when...
You either didn't like the last answer or you didn't care then or now.

The Daily Grind: How much worse could MMO business models get?

During the roundtable podcast a few weeks ago, when we had the whole Massively OP staff on to chat, we tackled a question from Teviko...
Can we start, start over.

World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 arrives tomorrow with worldwide level scaling

Got some alts you want to level up in World of Warcraft? The experience is about to become much broader when patch 7.3.5 arrives...

World of Warcraft e-sports: The return of the Mythic Dungeon Invitational and Arena World Championship

World of Warcraft and e-sports: two great tastes that taste great together, right? That's Blizzard's position, anyway. On Friday it laid out its plans...

Outpost Zero lets you build a bot army to conquer a planet

Don't do survival the hard way, with only your fleshy meatbag shell as your primary resource. Use your brains and futuristic technology to summon...