blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

China gets the Warcraft movie two days before everyone else

Want to be among the first in the world to see the Warcraft feature film? Then you best be buying a ticket to China....
Can we start, start over.

World of Warcraft kicks off Children’s Week

Are you just sitting around in your Garrison these days in World of Warcraft, waiting for the Burning Legion to stop farting about and...

The Daily Grind: Have you revisited an old MMO character lately?

The Gnome Warlock you see in the above header is the original Syp, created pre-Burning Crusade in October 2006. She's probably one of my...
This is not a safe working environment.

Diablo III adds its five-year sword as a transmog reward

How long do you have to work at your current job before you get a sword? If you worked for Blizzard Entertainment, the answer...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 63: Leisure suit Larry

Justin and Larry discuss pristine WoW servers, TSW, Trove, Champs Online, SWTOR, lockboxes, and birthdays in CoH, LOTRO, and Guild Wars.
Was this the longest?

The Nostalrius team on hopes for a legacy World of Warcraft server

For those who can't get enough information about what led to the creation and maintenance of the Nostalrius World of Warcraft server, the site...

Rumor: Warcraft movie tix may include WoW for free in some regions

French World of Warcraft website is reporting that the purchase of Warcraft movie tickets through French cinema maven Kinepolis will be accompanied by...
Core, whatever.

Overwatch’s Winston: Are you with us?

Overwatch's Winston should probably not quit his day job, but you gotta love him anyway. Blizzard has a new Overwatch trailer out today featuring our...
What if WoW looked like everything else.

Check out a fan-made recreation of World of Warcraft’s Duskwood in Unreal Engine 4

A lot of graphical improvements have happened for World of Warcraft over the years, but the game is still using the same fundamental graphical...

The Daily Grind: Are you ever sad when you levelcap in an MMORPG?

I recently levelcapped another character in Guild Wars 2, my Asura Guardian, and yet as soon as she dinged, some of the spark of...

The MOP Up: Allods’ Gibberling Festival (May 1, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Daily Grind: What could get you to love a MOBA?

I am very admittedly not a fan of MOBAs, despite the fact that I quite liked the map type that birthed the genre in...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO business models

Not too long ago, there was all but one way that you would pay for an MMO, and that was as a monthly subscription....

Leaderboard: What must a classic WoW server have to make you play it?

Word yesterday that Blizzard has invited the "progressive vanilla" Nostalrius emulator team to Blizz HQ, presumably to discuss World of Warcraft and not the...

Nostalrius admins to meet with WoW execs

Earlier this week, Blizzard responded to calls for a vanilla World of Warcraft server by suggesting it wouldn't do a vanilla server but would...

Global Chat: What can MMORPG devs do to foster community?

One of the neat aspects of the MMO blogosphere is how writers will often interact and collaborate with each other. Recently, four bloggers ganged...
Yeah, it doesn't say anything good.

Hearthstone announces 50 million registered players

The latest Hearthstone expansion release coincides with another bombshell for the game, with an official announcement from Activision Blizzard boasting that the game has...
Work it over.

Massively Overthinking: Trinities and quaternities in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic was inspired from Jake, who wrote in to us wondering about roles in MMORPG classes and group content: "What happened to roles?...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten City of Heroes systems every MMO should have stolen by now

Today, City of Heroes turns 12 years old. Except it doesn't; the game shut down three years ago, it never lived until it reached twelve,...
Under the city.

The Division’s cheating plague may be a result of its bad network model, consultant argues

The Division just can't catch a break. Glenn Fiedler, a former lead network programmer for Sony and Respawn and current games tech consultant, says that...