World of Warcraft preps Legion pre-patch for July 19, previews transmog 2.0


World of Warcraft’s Legion pre-patch is on the way as promised: on July 19th, to be exact. The patch will include the new transmogrification system as well as numerous changes to classes and talents. Coming later this summer will be the release of the Demon Hunter class and the start of the pre-Legion events.

Speaking of tmog, Blizzard took some time to explain in a blog post how the new wardrobe will function (short version: You’re going to love it). “With the Legion pre-expansion patch, every piece of gear that is bound to your character permanently unlocks that item’s appearance for you. Even if you sell or destroy the item, you’ll always be able to look through the new appearances tab in the collections window to find its look,” the studio wrote.

Need to see Transmog 2.0 in action? Patience, friend, for there is a video waiting for you after the break.

Update: Corrected some details about what this patch will entail.

Source: World of Warcraft, Blizzard. Cheers, Thanos and midgetsnowman.
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