Activision-Blizzard’s president/COO leaves in March – for the Bored Apes Yacht Club crypto outfit
It appears that one of Activision-Blizzard's top brass will end his tenure by next year. According to a filing with the SEC, Activision-Blizzard president...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2023
Nobody can see the future, but it sure is fun guessing, and that's exactly what we're going to do for (to?) the MMO genre...
End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2022
I might be biased - by which I mean I am definitely biased - but 2022 was a year of big stories and big...
Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2022
You might not know this about me, but I literally spend all year jotting down in my little notepad file all the quirky stuff...
A group of Spiral Knights ‘fans’ form an LLC to try to purchase the game and turn it into a blockchain clowncar
Spiral Knights is not a game that pings our radar very often, but it is still trucking along regardless - we last peered in...
End-of-Year Eleven: The Biggest MMO Surprises of 2022
All right, 2022, you are officially no longer allowed to surprise us any more because we're doing the end-of-year thing now and that means...
Bless Global is a blockchain-linked version of Bless that’s headed for Steam and mobile devices
The life of the Korean MMORPG Bless has been like a neverending story without any of the '80s-era whimsy. Readers will remember it first...
Rockstar draws a line in the sand over GTA Online roleplay servers creating NFTs
One of the many ways players engage with Grand Theft Auto Online is by creating third-party roleplay servers, which often can change the game...
Riders of Icarus’ November update preps for December events, new mounts, and Fenris weapon awakening
It appears that Riders of Icarus is one of those houses on the street that throws up its holiday decorations the second November rolls...
CODEX moves from being a standalone game to an MMO building and hosting tool
In August of 2021 we learned about CODEX, a game that sprung from the original engine that powered Shards Online before it shifted to...
Seed MMO halts comms, disables website over cease and desist from… a sugardaddy dating service?
Something happened on the way through our Twitter timeline: SEED, the in-development colony-building MMO from Klang Games, put out a tweet announcing a hold...
Pearl Abyss Q3 2022: DokeV and Crimson Desert delays, CCP’s new blockchain game, and EVE Online’s uptick
Pearl Abyss, primarily known around these parts as the company that owns EVE Online and Black Desert, has released its third quarter earnings report...
Square-Enix Q3 2022: Final Fantasy XIV subs continue to grow along with company’s NFT aspirations
We are now officially in that time of the year when financial reports start flying around the digital room, so today we turn our...
Astellia Online is back again as a crummy blockchain MMO called Astel of Atra
I'm sure you folks all remember Astellia Online: It was a South Korean import that launched here in 2019; we called it a "solidly...
Valofe resurrects the sunsetted Diablo-like MMO Cronous in a Steam re-release
Usually, when an MMO has announced its closure, that's often the last word. However, some games refuse to go into that good night like...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO conspiracy?
You probably don't know this about me, but one of my hobby subjects is pseudoscience and conspiracies and why people fall for them. I've...
Shroud of the Avatar is in the ‘home stretch’ for R106 recovery efforts, but gold returns will come up short
Catnip Games is still recovering from Shroud of the Avatar's disastrous Release 106 update, but the team is reportedly in the "home stretch" of...
Shroud of the Avatar developers address Release 106’s issues and the massive rollback
Over the course of October, we've been chronicling Shroud of the Avatar's problem-laden launch of Release 106. The update had technical issues that kept...
The Daily Grind: Are you hoping for ‘market disruption’ in the MMO genre?
Over the summer, a Twitter user replied to one of our Daily Grinds suggesting that a certain MMORPG was poised to "disrupt the MMO...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that went through complete technical clownshows
I've gone on record multiple times to state that when you get right down to it, MMOs look pretty darn complicated. There are a...