
Elder Scrolls Online previews Greymoor’s world-spanning, largely non-combat antiquities system

With Greymoor now scheduled to launch May 26th, we're less than a month away from Elder Scrolls Online's next big thing, and probably the...

Population Zero hypes its impending early access launch and talks about PvP and PvE modes

Just in case you forgot that the multiplayer survival sandbox Population Zero is launching on Steam Early Access on May 5th, there's a sizzle-filled...
Well, someone's having fun!

Battle Bards Episode 167: Childlike wonder

Tapping into their inner children, the three Battle Bards get into the spirit of name calling, trading stickers, and goofing off in kiddie MMOs....
I'm an excellent fighter.

Global Chat: The problem with being bad in MMOs

Have you ever felt weirdly reluctant to go the full "dark side" in a video game that offers morality meters? MMO blogger Yeebo Fernbottom...

Magic: Legends talks up the Realm system and how it helps player progression

So it looks like Magic: Legends will have something of a housing system, but this is less about cosmetic style and more about character...

Massively Overthinking: Would you play a housing-only MMO?

Last week, MOP's Justin put up a neat post on his personal blog about the potential for bringing back just the part of WildStar...

Torchlight III showcases the potential of forts in a video, patches in party crash fixes and more skill updates

Torchlight III (which I lovingly refer to as Torchums or Torchic or Torcherry Pie) is continuing to tout the fact that players can build...

EVE Online recaps contentious Surgical Strike tweaks and quality-of-life changes

EVE Online has once more put together another Pulse video full of news updates and recent information. Just in case you're the sort who...

Global Chat: That moment when you realize you chose the wrong MMO class

Have you ever gotten deep into a character's journey in an MMO -- and gradually realized that you'd picked the wrong class for you...

Riot Games defends Valorant’s Vanguard security driver, offers a $100k bounty to exploit it

Last week, Riot Games unveiled that their in-development competitive FPS Valorant runs an anti-cheat process in the background of player systems, which caused no...

Massively Overthinking: MMO business models in the face of recession

MOP reader Sray posed us an interesting question this past week focused on how MMO business models interface with the global economy. "The last major...

COVID-19 Roundup: EVE Online’s huge influx of newbies, live Gamescom is probably toast

Welcome back to another roundup of how MMOs and the gaming industry are faring and fronting during the COVID-19 pandemic. First up: CCP's Hilmar Pétursson...

Riot Games talks about the tech that keeps Valorant running smoothly and free of wallhack cheats

Riot Games is all in on making sure Valorant is one of the better-running and protected competitive FPS titles in the industry, and they're...

Book of Travels previews its paper- and card-inspired user interface

One of the selling points of Book of Travels that originally caught my eye way back before its successful Kickstarter last year was its...

Lord of the Rings Online starts testing Update 26 – now with race changes

A week after Lord of the Rings Online posted its roadmap for the remainder of 2020, the fantasy game put Update 26 on the...
Kick it down the road.

ESRB starts putting warnings about lockboxes on its game ratings

You have to imagine that a lot of video game marketers have developed facial twitches today upon the news that they will no longer...

The Daily Grind: Have you noticed an uptick in players in your MMO of choice?

It's no secret that MMOs and other online games are doing better than usual thanks to the pandemic keeping a large portion of the...

Last Oasis discusses a new walker, meteor strike events, and solutions for zerging

It looks like there's some new things to play with coming to survival sandbox Last Oasis. A new dev blog posted on the game's...

The Daily Grind: How have pandemic responses affected your MMO socializing?

Last week, my kids and I were playing Trove when I realized that global chat was absolutely filled with blabbering about the virus. It's...

Global Chat: Becoming a bear in Wizard101

You've created characters to play in MMOs, but have you ever actually wanted to be a permanent part of one? Tom Purdue over at...