business model

This image actually makes me not want to inflict this on my friends, but...

TERA introduces recruit-a-friend rewards

Are you playing TERA? Do you have friends who are not playing TERA? Are said friends also swayed by the thought of both of...

LEGO Minifigures Online goes buy-to-play on June 29 with limited availability now

While Funcom would like to market LEGO Minifigures Online's upcoming June 29th event as a launch of the game, in reality the move is...

Salem ends ‘beta,’ adds animal husbandry and more

Salem's "beta" officially ended this weekend, according to a post by Mortal Moments project lead John Carver. "Salem has been designed from both a business...

The Game Archaeologist: Seven MMOs operating on borrowed time

Most everyone who knows me well will acknowledge that I'm not generally a cynical, dark person. I'm not rooting for games to fail, for...

Perfect Ten: MMO terms that have overstayed their welcome

My original plan for this week - during the few moments that I was capable of coherent speech rather than just babbling about the...

The Daily Grind: Would you try a pay-per-hour MMO model?

Massively OP Kickstarter donor SoMuchMass offers an intriguing business model question for your consideration in this morning's Daily Grind: Would a pay-by-hour model work as a MMO...
Oh, so many trials.

Pathfinder Online adds free trial system in latest ‘early enrollment’ build

The business model of Pathfinder Online's current testing phase is odd, since you have to pay a box price and a subscription fee to...

Nexus Telegraph: Five reasons I’m over the moon about WildStar’s free-to-play

So how about those anniversary gifts in WildStar, huh? A year ago I was tremendously excited that the early start to the game's launch...
Bugs are but a dream.

Star Trek Online is rolling out new Tier 6 Veteran ships

Lifetime and veteran subscribers for Star Trek Online have long had access to a special ship that shows off their elite status. Unfortunately, the...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 healthiest live MMOs

One question that consistently pops up across the MMO gaming circuit is, "What are the most popular/healthy/active MMOs out there?" Every time I see...

Ask Mo: Why MMORPGs still need traditional chat

I dug this intriguing question out of our brimming-over letters-to-the-editor bin, and it's particularly timely given the recent launch of Wander, notable for its curious glyph-based...

EverQuesting: Why I cheered when EQ’s progression server crashed

When EverQuest's newest progression server Ragefire came online then took an immediate nosedive, I sprang from my chair cheering. Hey now, don't aim those eye...

The Game Archaeologist: The Matrix Online

It's not every year that a movie comes along that captures the pop culture zeitgeist so powerfully and so quickly as The Matrix did....

The Soapbox: The fallacy of ‘F2P insight’ in the MMO market

I read with disgust a recent piece about free-to-play and its supposed coming of age. The business model has of course run amok...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Night Life and PvP changes coming soon

Two things are coming up in Star Wars: The Old Republic that I'd like to talk about. First, BioWare is bringing back the Night...

Voxelbox Trove is officially launching on July 9

This is it, Trove fans. The finish line of beta and the starting line for the official live game. Trion Worlds announced that Trove...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: May 30, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Square Enix pimped out 2-D action MMO hopeful Dragon of Legends as part of its Indie Collective showcase. In...

The Soapbox: Can MMOs eradicate pay-to-win?

You know what sucks about getting old? Apart from the adult diapers and the dying? Yeah, it's the seeing things you love retconned into...

The Daily Grind: Will you play WildStar once it’s free-to-play?

Ever since the rumors began that WildStar was about to flip the switch on a new free-to-play business model, I've been pondering whether I'll...

WildStar’s free-to-play shift: Too little or just enough?

WildStar has taken a drubbing in its first year of operation, and much as I don't like saying so, it's deserved it. The game...