An NCsoft studio known primarily for WildStar.
Massively Overthinking: Massively Overwhelming content in MMORPGs
This past weekend, I picked up my first premium house in Lord of the Rings Online after much hemming and hawing. I didn't expect...
Battle Bards Episode 227: NCsounds
Syl and Syp return to the vast library of NCsoft’s MMO soundtracks, with games like Aion, Lineage, and Blade & Soul to keep our...
First Impressions: I honestly can’t tell whether I like Wayfinder or not
Playing Wayfinder marks the first time in my games writing career that my impression of a game has involved quite so much of my...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs whose worlds were built from scratch
Maybe I'm the only one to have stopped to think about it, but a great deal of the MMOs that we enjoy are based...
Singularity 6 interview: Palia is the cozy cottagecore sandbox to beat as it begins closed beta
The label "cozy" is in increasing danger of becoming a watered-down label thanks to how much it's being used in culture these days. Yet...
Massively Overthinking: The MMOs that are worth their dreadful early gameplay
I think many of us are primed to roll our eyes at anyone who says "oh man, just keep playing, it gets better later...
The Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs and online worlds with super cozy vibes
In this age of increased anxiety and friction, there's a natural desire to retreat into safe spaces. And yet not all of us have...
Choose My Adventure: Frustrations mount in Warhammer Return of Reckoning
Memory is a funny ol' thing. It can straight-up lie to you and convince you of something that probably wasn't even there. Or it...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 429: Push button, receive bacon
Justin and Bree discuss New World, World of Warcraft, WildStar, EverQuest 3, and EverQuest 2, with adventures in LOTRO, SWTOR, and WoW, plus a mailbag topic on MMO systems we want simplified vs. complexified, which is too a word!
Massively Overthinking: The MMOs we wanted a decade ago
Back in May, MOP's Justin penned a fun blog piece on his Bio Break blog about the games he wanted all the way back...
WildStar’s former design director calls out studio politics for his pre-launch resignation
Well here's a little bit of a walk down memory lane - and a bright light shined on a dark period in MMO history:...
Massively Overthinking: Which MMOs are memorable but not actually fun?
Earlier this week, we ran a Daily Grind on MMOs that are fun but not especially memorable, throwing it back to a quote from...
Vague Patch Notes: Paying customers in MMOs aren’t voting shares
So let's take a tour back to the dewy slopes of 2010, when I bought the collector's edition of Final Fantasy XIV. That would...
Design Mockument: Let’s bring back WildStar, only good this time
The other night, a couple of us were talking in work chat about missing WildStar. I also miss WildStar... or more accurately, I miss...
The Soapbox: MMO housing is so much more than a frivolous feature
When The Sims launched in 2000, what seemed like a dull and laughable concept on paper proved to be one of the most compelling...
The Daily Grind: Are you a half-hearted MMO crafter?
Whenever we talk about crafting, I feel that we're too quick to divide all players into "crafters" and "non-crafters" without considering that there might...
One Shots: Finding Mister Easter bunny
Legend goes that if you listen carefully for the thump-thump-thump of its padded feet... if you look for the bright splashes of color hidden...
Vague Patch Notes: How WildStar’s first dungeon killed me
This is the story of a girl who ran a dungeon in WildStar's world, and while it looks all right in photographs, I absolutely...
The Soapbox: Hating on the competition is no way to promote an MMO
Recently, RIFT was back in the news, offering free subscription time to new and returning players. While I salute Gamigo's generosity here, whenever the topic...
Former Wildstar devs call Wayfinder ‘the second coming’ of the sunsetted MMORPG
Are you excited for Wayfinder? Good for you because it's more fun to like things than to hate on them. You know who else...