
See: CCP Games

In hindsight, this was a bad decision.

Black Desert is patching in auto-path looping right now

Hope you voted yes on the auto-path looping feature that Black Desert put to player vote on Monday! The poll closed with over 83% of the...

EVE Online war update: Thousands return to join the war

For the past week we've been closely following the events of a monumental war that has kicked off in sci-fi MMO EVE Online. The conflict that has...

Battle Bards Episode 72: Listeners’ request anniversary

Can you believe it -- it's the third anniversary of Battle Bards already! Three years ago, Steff, Syp, and Syl joined forces to create...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 59: This great stage of fools

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2 SAB and legendary weapons, WoW, EVE's World War Bee, FFXI, TSW's new issue, and WildStar's Arcterra, with mailbag questions on similar MMO experiences and customer support.

Atlas Reactor launches Vive preview, EVE Gunjack launches on Vive, EVE Valkyrie confirms Vive arrival in 2016

If you're not quite sure you'll want to play Atlas Reactor when its closed beta launches on April 14th, then today's playable preview might...

EVE Evolved: How did World War Bee start and where is it going?

Throughout the almost nine years I've been covering EVE Online in the gaming media, I've been continually amazed at the sheer scale and impact of events that...

EVE Online war update: The Imperium defends UQ9-3C, loses station

If you've been following the EVE Online news recently, you'll have heard about the colossal war that has kicked off between the game's largest military...

29 sassy insults for the e-thugs who are DDOSing Shroud of the Avatar

Sadly, this one isn't an April Fools' Day joke, or if it's a prank on the part of the perpetrators, it's not a funny...

The largest PvP war in gaming history has begun in EVE Online

Sci-fi MMO EVE Online has had no shortage of huge battles in its lifetime, from the world-record-breaking 3,110 player battle in 2010 to the Battle of Asakai in...

Chaos Theory: Tomb-raiding The Secret World’s Issue #14 with Funcom

Remember that Indiana Jones-inspired outfit from The Secret World's Issue #6? Today is a great day to dust it off and slip it on because...

EVE Gunjack also launches on Oculus Rift

Lest you forget, EVE Valkyrie wasn't the only EVE Universe title that launched on the Oculus Rift yesterday. A smaller but no less notable...

EVE Valkyrie launches today alongside the Oculus Rift

CCP's VR shooter EVE: Valkyrie opens its doors today alongside the formal launch of the Oculus Rift platform and 29 other titles. "We intend to be...
science, together, fun

A new war is brewing in EVE Online

Have you noticed that there seem to be fewer announcements of EVE Online's big space battles recently? The explanation is quite simple: There haven't...

MMO Mechanics: MMORPG expansions vs. sequels

The recent news about EverQuest Next's cancellation has renewed the debate about whether or not MMOs should get sequels, which have given me plenty...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG could use a good reboot?

MMORPG reboots might be impractical and inadvisable, but games from Darkfall and DUST 514 to MapleStory and Linkrealms are all giving (or have given)...

Perfect Ten: Most notable console MMORPGs to date

It used to be that hunting for a console MMORPG was one of the most fruitless endeavors known to gamers. The PC was where...

EVE Online’s Project Discovery gets an update to combat abuse

It's been a while since EVE Online released its Project Discovery minigame that rewards players for participating in real-world scientific research into cell biology. The project organisers at...
Yes, I know, you're really expecting it to be helping you right into the stewpot.

EVE Online offers new players a guide to resources and getting started

Being a new player in EVE Online is an intimidating experience, like learning to swim in the shark tank. The designers know it, too....

Oculus Rift launches next week, could turn your room into a VR chamber

Next Monday, virtual reality will take another step from hypothetical discussion topic to actual reality with the launch of the Oculus Rift. The VR...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 56: Ghillie nation

Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Marvel Heroes, The Division, VR, Landmark, Crowfall, EVE, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on pay-to-win and Black Desert hype.