classic mmo

Generally used to describe MMOs from before World of Warcraft’s launch in 2004, though sometimes shortened to describe just the first few MMOs launched prior to 2000.


Ultima Online on the fall patch, 19th anniversary, and cash shop bugs

Ultima Online's latest newsletter teases publish 94, on the way this fall in the game, which ought to turn 19 years old the same...

Global Chat: Which mobs do you love killing in MMOs?

Everyone has mobs that they particularly enjoy offing in MMORPGs -- sometimes so much so that we go out of our way to get...

Tamriel Infinium: The pros and cons of Elder Scrolls Online’s ‘One Tamriel’ level-syncing

Despite being a two-year-old game, The Elder Scrolls Online has made a good showing at E3, which really shouldn't have surprised me -- but it...
This is not the knighthood.

Dark Age of Camelot opens up applications for new Knights

Do you feel like you could be a community leader in Dark Age of Camelot, the kind of person who would volunteer to serve...

RuneScape marks anniversary of a somber player massacre with… another massacre

For some, the pain of one of the most infamous events in RuneScape's history will never go away. For others, it's something that they'd...

The Game Archaeologist: Five eye-opening videos about the MMORPG genre

When it comes to tracking down history for MMOs, I've found that there are an array of sources at hand that have preserved (unwittingly...

The Daily Grind: What theme song best represents your main MMORPG character?

In yesterday's Black Desert column, MOP's Matt Daniel joked about MMORPG mods that allow roleplayers to share their characters' profiles, right down to their theme songs. He...

Ultima Online’s cash shop is now in-game

Ultima Online has had a cash shop for a long time. I mean a really long time. I mean since at least the early...

The Game Archaeologist: Puzzle Pirates

Up until this point in my life, Puzzle Pirates has always been that "Oh yeah, that actually exists!" game to me. Even when I...
We're still going.

Funcom secures major private investments

If you're a fan of Funcom with a deep amount of concern for the company's long-term health, there's good news to be had today....

Chronicle: RuneScape Legends launches on Steam today

It's full Steam ahead today for Chronicle: RuneScape Legends as the CCG-meets-tabletop game not only launches but launches on Steam. To celebrate, devs will start...

The Stream Team: A Steam-y Chronicle: RuneScape Legends match

In honor of Chronicle: RuneScape Legends launching on Steam tomorrow, MassivelyOP's MJ is launching herself back into the fray! She is even testing those...

Istaria adds new questline and icon revamp with Niesa’s Fate update

Istaria, which you might remember as Horizons way back in the day, has this week released Niesa's Fate, the 16.1 update for the dragon-encrusted...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

The Daily Grind: How long do you expect a 2016 MMORPG to live?

One of the many features touted by Chronicles of Elyria is a 10-year storyline, over the span of which your characters will "die" probably 10...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs do you admire from afar?

Ain't nobody got time to play every interesting-looking MMORPG out there (unless, of course, you are of the persuasion that none of them is worth...

Funcom’s Q1 2016 revenues, costs decline

Funcom's first quarter 2016 financial report is unlikely to shock anyone who read the 2015 annual report a few weeks ago. Revenue fell by...

Linkrealms launches Steam early access today

Linkrealms is launching into Steam early access today. If you're thinking, "Hasn't that game been around for a long time?" know that you're not...
This game really provides no shortage of illustrations we need for this.

Blizzard and Twitch address harassment defiling game event streams

In case you had forgotten since yesterday's news that RuneScape had to ban players for running around in-game wearing KKK costumes and shrieking racial...

Old School RuneScape bans players for racism, harassment

Old School RuneScape has had a brush with the banhammer. Jagex told players on Reddit today that an unspecified number of players have been banned...

Ultima Online tests invasion quest, teases future content

It's May, so that means it's time to start planning for Halloween, right? Well, maybe if you're Ultima Online. In the game's latest newsletter,...